LBJ School Politics and Governance

The World of the Texas State Capitol

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Representative Gina Hinojosa rushes into the office just as the House is being called to the Floor, but she takes the time to greet everyone in the office and ask how they are before rushing back out again. I’m usually already at my desk, settling in and sorting through the […]

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

The Higher Court: A New Podcast From LBJ Students

Photo: Rock, Paper, Scissors The Higher Court is a weekly podcast from the 85th Legislature’s ultimate authority – the court of public opinion. Hosted by Estevan Delgado and Cynthia Van Maanen, produced by Jen Rice. All listeners are urged to run for office immediately. The Baines Report will be sharing the Higher Court’s episodes as soon […]

Politics and Governance

Is Texas Good For Women? A Recap of the Texas Tribune Festival Panel

Photo: Houston Chronicle Two of Texas’ prominent female politicians crossed the aisle to promote discourse about the impact of state policy on women. Wendy Davis, a Democrat and member of the Texas Senate, renowned for her 11-hour filibuster against restrictive abortion regulations, shared that the adversity that she faced shaped her into the person she […]

LBJ School

Welcome to the Texas Capitol

The opinions herein reflect those of the author and in no way represent those of the Legislative Budget Board of Texas. If you haven’t been to the Capitol yet, I urge you to visit. Built from 1882-1888 out of Texas pink[1] granite, it was the tallest building in America at the time. It loomed over […]

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