We have a new theme based on the UT Responsive Theme. Our customers told us they would like to have an option to use the UT Responsive Theme – but with a smaller header image. The new UT Responsive Small Image theme serves this purpose.

Your options for using the UT Responsive Theme are:
– UT Responsive Theme – image size: 960w x 320h
– UT Responsive Small Image has a header image of: 960w x 100h
To activate these themes on your blog, log in to your Dashboard and on the right-hand side, go to:
Appearance > Themes
In the “Search Installed Themes” box, type: Responsive
You will then see the two UT Responsive Themes provided by the University Blogs Team (provided one of these themes is not already your current theme).
To change the header image, go to:
Appearance > Header
Click the Choose File button and browse to the new graphic you created. Then click upload.
You also have the option to remove a header graphic completely. Click: Remove Header Image to do this. The title of your blog will show instead.
We hope you find these themes useful. Additional information about this theme can be found here. http://sites.utexas.edu/utresponsive/