Hello Blog Owners!
In August 2014, the University Blogs Service transitioned away from blogs.utexas.edu to sites.utexas.edu as the service’s primary domain. Currently, this domain is being hosted on the UBS server alongside sites.utexas.edu where all visitors of blogs.utexas.edu are being redirected to sites.utexas.edu.
We are in the process of completing the final stage to this transition and do away completely with blogs.utexas.edu. This will occur in two steps;
First, anyone visiting a “blogs.utexas.edu” URL will no longer be redirected along to sites.utexas.edu but to a page advising of this change. The purpose of this is to give visitors the opportunity to update their applications that rely on the old domain to use sites.utexas.edu instead.
The final step will be to instruct UTNIC to remove the DNS entry for blogs.utexas.edu after which point the domain will be retired and visitors will no longer reach the service.
These changes will occur first on June 30th, 2016 after 5:00 PM. The final “remove” step will occur on by the day on September 15th, 2016.August 19th, 2016
Be sure to review any bookmarks, podcatchers, RSS feed readers, or any application that relies in some way on blogs.utexas.edu will no longer work. Your websites and content will still exist but will require that it be accessed with sites.utexas.edu.
We certainly do appreciate your patience and understanding during these changes.
Be sure to send your blogs related questions to help@sites.utexas.edu
The University Blogs Team
EDIT: Updated “remove” date to September 15th, 2016.