During this program, we have been introduced to research with our graduate student mentors, but we have also learned about careers outside academic research, such as going into industry, choosing medical school, or working for the government. All options present different work-life balances, goals, and daily experiences, and hearing about these differences has been helpful in deciding my own path.
We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Nicholas Durr and Dr. Cody Crosby, who went into academia, and Dr. Ginger Pocock and Dr. Justina Tam, who went into industry. Industry gives more opportunities for applied research compared to academia. Additionally, industry offers greater room for flexibility and changing your path than academia does, as you can switch locations and companies based on your life goals.
We also heard from Dell Medical students, who told us about their journeys to medical school. Compared to grad school, med school opens the door for clinical research, allowing for researching the impact of various drugs and devices on actual patients. Med school and medical careers do have a reputation of poor work-life balance, so the med students advised aspiring students to ensure they set aside time for themselves.
Overall, it was wonderful to hear from experienced professionals in careers outside academia. We were able to get a firsthand glimpse of what life is like depending on which path you choose. It was helpful to gain perspectives on what options are out there, and I look forward to exploring more about academia and non-academia careers throughout the rest of the program!
Avanti Panajkar | North Carolina State University