I. Abstracts (oral presentations) 

I-[001] M.K. Markey, V.T. Tang, M. LaBarbera, “Swimming kinematics of Argopecten irradians,” National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Western Michigan University, (1994).

I-[002] M.V. Boland, M.K. Markey, R.F. Murphy, “Automated classification of protein localization patterns,” 36th American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Molecular Biology of the Cell 7: 908-908 Suppl. (1996).

I-[003] M.K. Markey, M.V. Boland, R.F. Murphy, “Towards objective selection of representative microscopy images,” 37th American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Molecular Biology of the Cell 8: 2012-2012 Suppl. (1997).

I-[004] M.K. Markey, J.Y. Lo, C.E. Floyd, Jr., “Differences in computer aided diagnosis of breast cancer: masses vs. calcifications,” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (2000).

I-[005] G.D. Tourassi, E.D. Frederick, M.K. Markey, C.E. Floyd, Jr., “Application of an information theoretic approach for feature selection in the computer-aided diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism,” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Radiology 221:547-547 Suppl. (2001).

I-[006] M.K. Markey, G.D. Tourassi, C.E. Floyd, Jr., “Classification of clinical specimens by CART model of proteins identified by mass spectroscopy,” First Annual Proteomics Datamining Conference, Duke University (2002).

I-[007] M.K. Markey, J.Y. Lo, G.D. Tourassi, C.E. Floyd, Jr., “Self-organizing map for cluster analysis of a breast cancer database,” Susan G. Komen Mission Conference (2003).

I-[008] M.K. Markey, S. Gupta, P.F. Chyn*, “Agreement in BI-RADS reporting of lesions in CC and MLO views in the DDSM,” Medical Image Perception Conference X (2003).

I-[009] M.S. Kim, G.P. Reece, E.N. Atkinson, M.K. Markey, “Objective assessment of the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: measuring ptosis from clinical photographs,” BECON/BISTIC 2004 Symposium on Biomedical Informatics for Clinical Decision Support: A Vision for the 21st Century (2004).

I-[010] H. Shin, J. Koomen, K.A. Baggerly, M.K. Markey, “Towards a noise model of MALDI TOF spectra,” American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Advances in Proteomics in Cancer Research (2004).

I-[011] S. Gupta, M.K. Markey, “Correspondence In texture features between two mammographic views,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Fall Meeting (2004).

I-[012] E.A. Fischer, M. Payne*, M.K. Markey, “Bayesian networks for inferring regulation of Plasmodium falciparum’s biosynthetic processes,” Critical Assessment of Microarray Data (CAMDA) (2004).

I-[013] M.P. Sampat, G.J. Whitman, L.D. Broemeling, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, “Inter- and intra-observer variability in measuring properties of spiculated lesion on mammography,” Medical Imaging Perception Conference XI (2005).

I-[014] M.S. Kim, W.N. Rodney*, J. Peng*, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Towards quantifying the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: assessing surgical scars,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (2005).

I-[015] H. Shin, B. Sheu*, M.K. Markey, “Guilt-by-association feature selection applied to simulated proteomic data,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (2005).

I-[016] S.Y. Park, M.K. Markey, C. MacAulay, A. Milbourne, A. Malpica, J. Benedet, M. Follen, R. Richards-Kortum, “Multispectral digital colposcope for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia,” 4th Int’l Cervical Cancer Conference, Houston, TX (2005).

I-[017] H. Shin, M. Mutlu*, J.M. Koomen, M.K. Markey, “Analysis of noise in MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry,” UK-Texas Bioscience Collaboration workshop on The Molecular Signature of Cancer (2006).

I-[018] M.P. Sampat, G.J. Whitman, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, “Comparison of algorithms to enhance spicules on spiculated lesions,” Society for Computer Applications in Radiology Annual Meeting (2006).

I-[019] N.D. Harrison, L.T. Nieman, C.W. Kan, A.K. El-Naggar, M.K. Markey, A. Gillenwater, K. Sokolov, “Analysis of polarization spectroscopy data to improve imaging of epithelial pre-cancers,” Gordon Research Conference, Lasers in Medicine & Biology, 2-7 July, Plymouth, NH (2006).

I-[020] E.A. Fischer, K.L. Drake, M.K. Markey, “Identifying activation of transcription factor modules in microarray experiments,” Biomedical Engineering Society 2006 Annual Meeting (2006).

I-[021] E.A. Fischer, M. Friedman*, M.K. Markey, “Empirical comparison of tests for differential expression on simulated time series microarray experiments,” American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Annual Symposium (2006).

I-[022] H. Shin, M.P. Sampat, S.F. Bish*, J.M. Koomen, M.K. Markey, “Statistical characterization of chemical noise in MALDI TOF MS by wavelet analysis of multiple noise realizations,” American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Annual Symposium (2006).

I-[023] R.G. Aranibar, S. Byers, M.K. Markey, H.G. Rylander III, T.E. Milner, “Relationship between birefringence and neurotubule density of the primate retinal nerve fiber layer,” SPIE Photonics West: BiOS Biomedical Optics (2007).   

I-[024] Q. Wu, G.J. Whitman, D.S. Fussell, M.K. Markey, “Lesion segmentation on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI using mean shift method,” 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research (2007).

I-[025] M.P. Sampat, G.J. Whitman, S. Gupta, D.R. Hurtubise*, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, “Reliability of measuring properties of spiculated lesions using a stylus vs. mouse interface,” 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research (2007).

I-[026] H. Shin, M.K. Markey, “Wavelet-based denoising for MALDI TOF mass spectra by interval and level dependent thresholding,” 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research (2007).

I-[027] S. Gupta, W. Han*, D.R. Hurtubise*, M.S. Kim, E.K. Beahm, G.P. Reece, F.A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, “Assessment of breast reconstruction surgery outcomes using 3D human body scans,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Fall Meeting (2007).

I-[028] M.S. Kim, A. Burgess, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, A.J. Waters, K.M. Basen-Engquist, G. Baum, H. Lee, M.K. Markey, “Understanding surgeons’ assessments of the aesthetic outcome of breast cancer treatment using eye-tracking,” Medical Image Perception Conference XII (2007). (M. S. Kim was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[029] C.W. Kan, B. Jiang*, L.T. Nieman, K. Sokolov, M.K. Markey, “Comparison of linear and non-linear classifiers for oral cancer screening by optical spectroscopy,” American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Annual Symposium (2007).

I-[030] M.S. Kim, W.N. Rodney*, G.P. Reece, T. Cooper, M.K. Markey, “Quantifying the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: assessment of artificial scars,” American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Annual Symposium (2007).

I-[031] H. Shin, C.W. Kan, H.J. Hocker*, M.K. Markey, “Effect of normalization methods on biomarker identification utilizing mass spectrometry,” American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Annual Symposium (2007).

I-[032] R. Jahanbin, G. Muralidhar, M.P. Sampat, T. Haygood, T. Stephens, G.J. Whitman, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, “Characterization of true and false positive locations of spiculated lesions on mammography,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting (2008).

I-[033] M. Dabeer, M. Kyrish*, M.S. Kim, P. Reyes*, N. Udpa*, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Toward decision support for breast reconstruction: automated calculation of symmetry measure on clinical photographs,” American Medical Informatics Association 2008 Annual Symposium (2008).

I-[034] G.S. Muralidhar, S. Channappayya, J.H. Slater, E.M. Blinka*, A.C. Bovik, W. Frey, M.K. Markey, “Comparison of pre-processing techniques for fluorescence microscopy images of cells labeled for action,” American Medical Informatics Association 2008 Annual Symposium (2008).

I-[035] M.M. Kawale, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, M.A. Crosby, M.K. Markey, F.A. Merchant, “Automated nipple identification in three-dimensional surface scans of torso,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2009).

I-[036] J. Lee, Y. Shrestha*, G.S. Muralidhar, A.D. Guidry, A.C. Da Silveira, M.K. Markey, P.K. Kelley, “Quantitative models of facial attractiveness for pediatric population,” Central Texas Clinical Research Forum (2010). (J. Lee received New Investigator Poster Award)

I-[037] M. Kawale, A. Bose, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, M.A. Crosby, M.K. Markey, F.A. Merchant, “Automated detection of fiducial points in 3D torso images,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[038] E. Kim*, J. Lee, E.K. Beahm, M.A. Crosby, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Automated calculation of ptosis on clinical photographs,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[039] A. Datta*, S. Liu, G.S. Muralidhar, A. Paranjape, B. Elmaanaoui, J. Dewelle, T.E. Milner, H.G. Rylander III, M.K. Markey, “Blood vessel detection in line-scanning laser ophthalmoscope and raster scan images from optical coherence tomography,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[040] A.K. Hu*, G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, “Computer-aided detection of spiculated masses,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[041] A. Miranda*, C-W. Kan, D. Cote, K. Sokolov, M.K. Markey, “Visualization tools for Pol-MC to simulate polarized light-tissue interaction,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[042] J. Salazar*, C-W. Kan, D. Cote, K. Sokolov, M.K. Markey, “Polarization sensitive Monte Carlo simulation of layered Tissues,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2010).

I-[043] D. Wang, C. Sun, J. Lee, G.P. Reece, M.A. Crosby, E.K. Beahm, M.K. Markey, “Development of a Bayesian network to model decisions about tissue expansion implant breast reconstruction,” 3rd Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery, Houston, Texas, January 26th-28th (2011).

I-[044] C. Sun, M.C. Fingeret, M.S. Kim, K.M. Basen-Engquist, M.A. Crosby, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, M.K. Markey, “Towards a standardized lexicon for assessment of breast aesthetics,” 3rd Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery, Houston, Texas, January 26th-28th (2011).

I-[045] J. Lee, J. Salazar*, M.C. Fingeret, M.A. Crosby, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, M.K. Markey, “Investigation of factors impacting ptosis using quantitative imaging,” 3rd Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery, Houston, Texas, January 26th-28th (2011).

I-[046] M.M. Kawale, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, M.A. Crosby, M.K. Markey, F.A. Merchant, “Automated Identification of Fiducial Points in 3D Torso Images,” 3rd Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery, Houston, Texas, January 26th-28th (2011).

I-[047] J. Lee, M.K. Markey, P.K. Kelley, A.C. Da Silveira, “Development of quantitative measures of facial appearance of healthy Hispanic Caucasian children,” American Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Association annual meeting (2011).

I-[048] D. Vining, N. Garg, M.K. Markey, T. Ganapathi, O. Komogortsev, “Principles and radiologic applications of eye-tracking technology,” Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society (2011) (educational exhibit)

I-[049] G.S. Muralidhar, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, T.W. Stephens, T.M. Haygood, W.R. Geiser, N. Garg, G.J. Whitman, “Stereoscopic viewing of tomosynthesis projection Images,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XIV Conference (2011) (G. S. Muralidhar was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[050] T. Ganapathi, M.K. Markey, D.J. Vining, N. Garg, “Towards automatic structured reporting in radiology: paired gaze and speech analysis,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XIV Conference (2011). (T. Ganapathi was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[051] S. Liu, D. Ho*, K. Sung*, A. Datta*, T.E. Milner, H.G. Rylander III, M.K. Markey, “Comparison of registration methods for Line-Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope images from Optical Coherence Tomography,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2011).

I-[052] D. Wang, M.K. Markey, A. Arapostathis, “Principal oscillation patterns of genome-wide gene expression,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2011).

I-[053] C.S. Sun, D. Wang, J. Lee, G.P. Reece, M.C. Fingeret, M.A. Crosby, E.K. Beahm, M.K. Markey, “Towards a Decision Basis of Breast Reconstruction: Defining the Alternatives,” American Medical Informatics Association 2011 Annual Symposium (2011).

I-[054] G.S. Muralidhar, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, T.W. Stephens, T.M. Haygood, W. Geiser, N. Garg, G.J. Whitman, “Stereoscopic characterization of breast masses on tomosythesis projection images,” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (2011).

I-[055] D.J. Vining, N. Garg, M.K. Markey, T. Ganapathi, R. Rosu, M. Jurca, I. Aghentitei, “Use of eye-tracking technology and natural language processing for data input into a multimedia structured report,” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (2011).

I-[056] D.J. Vining, A.M. Tsimberidou, N. Garg, M.K. Markey, T. Ganapathi, J. Wang, R. Rosu, M. Jurca, I. Aghenitei, “A vision for radiology structured reporting,” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (2011).

I-[057] R. Hennessy, M.K. Markey, & J.W. Tunnell, “Parallel Monte Carlo-based inverse model for determining optical properties in multilayer tissues,” BioMedOpTex 2012, College Station, TX, May 23rd − 25th (2012) (R. Hennessy received Honorable Mention poster award.)

I-[058] J. Lee, B. Ku*, M.K. Markey, P.K. Kelley, A.C. Da Silveira, “Comparison of facial anthropometry of healthy Hispanic Caucasian vs. Non-Hispanic Caucasian children,” American Cleft Plate-Craniofacial Association annual meeting (2012).

I-[059] J. Lee, G. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, M.C. Fingeret, M.K. Markey, “Correlation between structural and color changes in 3D facial images of head and neck cancer patients following reconstructive surgery,” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (2012).

I-[060] C.S. Sun, K. Fan*, G.P. Reece, M.A. Crosby, E.K. Beahm, M.C. Fingeret, M.K. Markey, “Quantifying breast aesthetics from clinical photographs: symmetry of lateral extents (SOLE),” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012).

I-[061] Y.P.A. Tan*, N. Verma, R. Hartman, M.C. Cowperthwaite, M.G. Burnett, M.K. Markey, “Preliminary study for automatic brain tissue quantification on computed tomography,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012).

I-[062] M.K. Markey, “Quantifying human appearance to support decision-making in reconstructive surgery,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012). 

I-[063] N. Kumaraswamy, H. Khatam, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, K. Ravi-Chandar, “A methodology to determine geometry and boundary conditions for breast FEM simulations,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012).

I-[064] T. Ganapathi, R.L. Bassett, N. Garg, D.J. Vining, M.K. Markey, “Man-machine interface for radiology reporting: identification of key sources of variability,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012).

I-[065] R. Hennessy, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Parallel Monte Carlo-based inverse model for determining optical properties in multilayer tissues,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2012).

I-[066] C.S. Sun, M.S. Kim, M.A. Crosby, G.P. Reece, E.K. Beahm, G.P. Baum, M.C. Fingeret, M.K. Markey, “Identifying key descriptors of breast aesthetics for a standardized rating scale,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (2012).

I-[067] J. Lee, J. Salazar*, M.K. Markey, A.C. Da Silveira, “Comparison of 3D Images of children with cleft lip and palate undergoing NAM treatment,” 12th International Congress on Cleft Lip/Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies (2013).

I-[068] R. Hennessy, M. Sharma, M.K. Markey, & J.W. Tunnell, “An inverse model for determining optical properties of multilayered tissues using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy at two source detector distances.” Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XIII (June 2013).

I-[069] S. Bish, R. Hennessy, M.K. Markey, & J.W. Tunnell, “Expanded range of optical property measurement using dynamically filtered DMD diffuse optical spectroscopy.” Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XIII (June 2013). 

I-[070] G. Wen, M.K. Markey, “Using partial least squares to estimate channels for detecting multiple signals in multiple locations” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XV Conference (2013). (G. Wen was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[071] H. Khatam, M.C. Fingeret, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, K. Ravi-Chandar, “Measurement of skin deformation of the breast associated with position change through 3D digital image correlation,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[072] B. Printy*, N. Verma, M.K. Markey, “Structural imaging biomarkers for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[073] N. Verma, M.K. Markey, “Modeling temporal progression of Alzheimer’s Disease,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[074] K. Fan*, C. Sun, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Towards elicitation of expert beliefs and decision-maker preferences about breast reconstruction: a probability wheel application,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[075] G. Wen, M.K. Markey, “Using the sparse matrix transformation for the estimation and channelization of the Hotelling model observer,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[076] J. Lee, H. Vikalo, M.K. Markey,  “Automated segmentation of nose using Bayesian filter,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[077] M.C. Fingeret, J. Lee, I. Teo, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Quantifying facial expression of head and neck cancer patients undergoing reconstructive surgery: How does smiling intensity relate to psychosocial functioning?,” Psycho-Oncology 15th World Congress (2013).

I-[078] C.S. Sun, G.P. Reece, M.A. Crosby, M.C. Fingeret, R.J. Skoracki, M.T. Villa, M.M. Hanasono, D.P. Baumann, D.W. Chang, S.B. Cantor, M.K. Markey, “Plastic surgeon expertise in predicting outcomes of breast reconstruction,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (2013).

I-[079] G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, “Towards quantitative stereo mammography – a disparity estimation algorithm for stereo mammograms,” Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting (2013).

I-[080] R.J. Hennessy, M. Sharma, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Measuring depth dependent optical properties using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West (2014).

I-[081] B. Wang, B. Yin, J. Dwelle, H.G. Rylander III, M.K. Markey, T.E. Milner, “Scattering changes during neuronal apoptosis using pathlength multiplexed scattering angle resolved optical coherence tomography,” SPIE Photonics West (2014).

I-[082] R. Hennessy, W. Goth, M. Sharma, M.K. Markey, & J.W. Tunnell, “Sampling Depth of Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Probes: Computational and Experimental Analysis.” OSA BIOMED (2014).

I-[083] N. Kumaraswamy, K. Ravi-Chandar, M.K. Markey, G.P. Reece, M.C. Fingeret, “Full-field biaxial characterization of skin using a custom built bulge test device,” World Congress of Biomechanics (2014).

I-[084] U. Nguyen*, N. Kumaraswamy, M.K. Markey,Variation in measurements of breast skin thickness obtained using different imaging modalities,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting & Exhibition (2014).

I-[085] M.K. Markey, “Machine learning in image-omics,” American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting & Exhibition (2014). [invited talk]

I-[086] G. Wen, M.K. Markey, “The use of kernel PCA for the channelization of the Hotelling Model Observer,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2014).

I-[087] F. Pecen*, G. Wen, T. Ganapathi, D. Vining, T.M. Haygood, M.K. Markey, “Computational saliency maps of medical images to predict radiologists’ gaze fixations,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2014).

I-[088] N. Verma, M.K. Markey, “Psychometric analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale,”  Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2014).

I-[089] G.P. Reece, F.A Merchant, H. Khatam, K. Ravi-Chandar, J. Weston, M.C. Fingeret, C. Lane, K. Duncan, M.K Markey, N. Kumaraswamy, “3D surface imaging of the human female torso in upright to supine positions,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2014).

I-[090] R. Hennessy, S. Maity*, S.L. Lim, J.W. Tunnell, M.K. Markey, “Skin cancer detection with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2014).

I-[091] A.A. Ben Ramadan, M.A. Clarke, M.K. Markey, M.R. Aro, K.J. Lage, K.L. Ingalls, V. Sindhwani, M.S. Kim, “Standard description guidelines and star ratings are not good measurements for usability issues of mobile applications that support training in diagnostic decision making for radiologists,” Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) (2014).

I-[092] K. Bravo, M.K. Markey, S.-C. Huang, “Breast cancer survivors who undergo mastectomy and breast reconstruction choose to wear cotton undergarments,” Beltwide Cotton Conferences (2015). 

I-[093] M.K.  Markey, “BreastDecisions: 3D modeling-based  decision  support  for  optimizing  quality of life following breast reconstruction,” Multidisciplinary Advances in Personalised Breast Cancer Surgery (2015).

I-[094] N. Soberon*, N. Verma, M.K. Markey, “Optimal normalization of volumetric brain measurements in Alzheimer’s Disease,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2015).

I-[095] M. Kim, M.R. Aro, K.J. Lage, K.L. Ingalls, V. Sindhwani, M.K. Markey, “Usability of mobile apps for   radiology   diagnostic   decision-making,”  American  Medical  Informatics  Association  Annual Symposium (2015).

I-[096]  G. Wen,  A. Aizenman,  T. Drew,  J.M.Wolfe, T.M. Haygood, M.K. Markey,  “Computational assessment   of   visual   search   strategiesin   volumetric   medical   images,” Workshop   on Natural Environments Tasks and Intelligence (2016).

I-[097]  M.C.  Fingeret,  J.  Weston,  M.C.  Bordes,  S.C.  Huang,  G.P.  Reece,  F.A.  Merchant,  S.  Cantor, M.K. Markey, “Understanding the unmet needs of women with breast cancer undergoing reconstructive surgery,” Appearance Matters 7 Conference (2016).

I-[098]  G.  Wen, M.K.  Markey,  S.  Park,  “Influence  of  local  anatomical  variations  on  detection  of multifocal  and  multicentric  breast  cancer,” American  Association  of  Physicists  in  Medicine  (AAPM) Annual Meeting (2016).

I-[099]  J.  Reddy,  X.  Lei, S.C.Huang,  K.M.  Nicklaus,  M.C.  Fingeret,  S.F.  Shaitelman,  K.K.  Hunt,  T.A. Buchholz, F. Merchant, M.K. Markey, and B.D. Smith, “Using quantitative metrics of breast cosmesis to compare fractionation regimens for whole-breast irradiation,” ASTRO (2016).

I-[100]  E.  Loera*,  K.M.  Nicklaus,  M.  Bordes,  J.  Lee,  A.  Cheong,  M.C.  Fingeret,  F.A.  Merchant,  G.P. Reece, M.K.  Markey, “Design of stereoscopic visualization of mastectomy specimens for augmented reality glasses,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2016).

I-[101] J.  Weston,  M.C.  Bordes,  S.C.  Huang,  G.P.  Reece,  F.A.  Merchant,  S.B.  Cantor, M.K.  Markey, M.C.  Fingeret,  “Patient  preferences  for  visualizing  possible  outcomes  of  breast  reconstruction,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (2016).

I-[102]  C.  Crerand,  A.C.  Da  Silveira,  H.  Kapa,  J.  Litteral, M.K.  Markey,  A.  Mercado,  M.  Scott, “Adherence  to  orthodontic  treatment  in  youth  with  cleft  lip  and/or  palate,” American  Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association’s (ACPA) 74th Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[103] A. Moy,X. Feng, H. Nguyen, Y. Zhang, K. Sebastian, M.K. Markey, J. Reichenberg, J. Tunnell, “Non-invasive skin cancer diagnosis using diffuse reflectance, fluorescence, and Ramanspectroscopy,” American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) Annual Conference (2017).

I-[104] J.P.  Reddy, X.Lei,  K.M.  Nicklaus,  M.C.Fingeret,  S.F.  Shaitelman,  K.K.  Hunt,  T.A.  Buchholz, F.A.Merchant, M.K. Markey, B.D. Smith, “Using quantitative 3D metrics of breast cosmesis to compare fractionation regimens for whole breast irradiation,”American Radium Society Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[105] J.M.  Engelmann,  J.  Cho,  J.  Liu,  J.  Weston,  M.C.  Bordes,  A.A.  Vujanovic,  J.C.  Babcock,  M.C. Fingeret,  G.P.  Reece,  S.E.  Hanson, M.K.  Markey, “Types of  emotion  and  the  perception  of  facial Disfigurement,” 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2017).

I-[106] K.M.  Nicklaus,  J.Cho,  A.Cheong,  J.Liu,  F.A.  Merchant,  M.C.  Fingeret,  G.P.  Reece, M.K. Markey,  “Effects   of   breast   volume   change   on   breast   cancer   patients’ satisfaction   with   breast reconstruction  outcomes,” 39th  Annual  International  Conference  of  the  IEEE  Engineering  in  Medicine and BiologySociety (2017).

I-[107] G.  Wen,  T.M.  Haygood, M.K.  Markey, “A  human  observer  study  of  multi-lesion  detection  in digital breast tomosynthesis,”Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XVII Conference (2017).

I-[108] K.M.  Nicklaus,  A. Naqvi,  M.C.  Bordes,  G.P.  Reece, M.K. Markey, “Towards  augmented  reality visualization of  mastectomy  specimens for breast reconstruction  surgery,” Medical  Image  Perception Society (MIPS) XVII Conference (2017). (K. Nicklaus was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[109]  A.J.  Moy,  X.  Feng,  H.  Nguyen,  Y.  Zhang, M.K.  Markey,  J.S.  Reichenberg,  J.W.  Tunnell,“Raman,  reflectance  and  fluorescence  spectroscopy  for  the  noninvasive  diagnosis  of  skin  cancer,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim (2017)

I-[110] M. Diab, N. Kumaraswamy, G.P. Reece, M. Fingeret, M.K. Markey, K. Ravi-Chandar, “Characterization of human female breast skin anisotropy using bulge test,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[111] K . M. Nicklaus, G. Wen, J. Cho, A. Cheong, G. P. Reece, F. A. Merchant, M. C. Fingeret, S. Cantor, M.K. Markey, “Developing a retrieval method for a Case-Based Reasoning system for predicting appearance after breast reconstruction,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[112] Y. Zhang, A. Pratapa, M.K. Markey, J. W. Tunnell, “Computational verification of a two-layer inverse Monte Carlo look-up table model using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[113] J. Cho, M. C. Fingeret, S. -C. Huang, G. P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Emotional arousal and the perception of facial disfigurement,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[114] T. Lewis*, K. M. Nicklaus, A. Naqvi*, M. Bordes, A. Cheong, M. C. Fingeret, F. A. Merchant, G. P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Design of intraoperative visualizations of mastectomy specimens for breast reconstruction surgery,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[115] Y. Garay*, K. M. Nicklaus, G. Wen, J. Cho, A. Cheong, G. P. Reece, F. A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, “Exploration Of Variables For Use In A Retrieval Method For A Case Based Reasoning System ForPredicting Appearance After Breast Reconstruction,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2017).

I-[116] K.M. Nicklaus, I. Teo, G.P. Reece, S. -C. Huang, K. Mahajan, J. Andon, P. Khanal, C. Sun, F.A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, M.C. Fingeret,“ Relationships among breast symmetry, appearance investment, and body image dissatisfaction in breast cancer patients undergoing reconstruction,” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (2017).

I-[117] C.E. Crerand, H.M. Kapa, J. Litteral, A.C. DaSilveira, M.K. Markey, “Adherence to orthodontic treatment in Cleft Lip/Palate populations: A survey of treatment providers,” American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association’s (ACPA) 75th Annual Meeting (2018).

I-[118] Y. Zhang, J.A. George, V.I. Chang, K. Ali, W. Goth, J. Reichenberg, J. Vickers, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “An automated mole ranking system (MoleList) for skin cancer screening,” 38th Annual Conference of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS) (2018).

I-[119] S. Kwon, S. Kim, H.S. Lee, J.Y. Park, K.J. Kim, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, S. Bang, S.W. Park, S.Y. Song, J.B. Chung, M.J. Chung, “Survival analysis based on relationship between Lewis Antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 in 1115 patients with pancreatic cancer in Asian population, ”Digestive Disease Week (2018).

I-[120] S. Kim, S. Kwon, H.S. Lee, K.J. Kim, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, J.Y. Park, S. Bang, S.W. Park, S.Y. Song, J.B. Chung, M.J. Chung, “CA19-9 nadir within the first 12 weeks of chemotherapy predicts overall survival in patents with advanced pancreatic cancer,” Digestive Disease Week (2018).

I-[121] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, S. Hong, J. Kim, B. Joung, J. Park, “Paroxysmal versus persistent atrial fibrillation: predictive benefit from 10 seconds of surface 12-lead electrocardiogram,” European Society of Cardiology Congress, European Heart Journal 39 (Supplement): 265 (2018).

I-[122] S. Kwon, S. Kim, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, H. Lee, B. Joung, H. Im, J. Park, “Sex differences in influence of atrial fibrillation on mortality of patients with ischemic stroke,” European Society of Cardiology Congress, European Heart Journal 39 (Supplement): 824-825 (2018).

I-[123] S. Kwon, S. Kim, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, H. Lee, G. Joo, Y. Song, B. Joung, H. Im, J. Park, “Risk of mortality depends on the temporal sequence of atrial fibrillation and ischemic stroke,” European Society of Cardiology Congress, European Heart Journal 39 (Supplement): 862 (2018).

I-[124] X. Feng, M. Fox, J. Reichenberg, F. Lopes, K. Sebastian, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Skin tumor surgical margin detection using Raman spectroscopy,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2018).

I-[125] K. M. Nicklaus, K. Ali, F.A. Merchant, S.E. Hanson, G.P. Reece, M.K Markey, “Development of an expert surgeon validation tool for breast reconstruction decision-making,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2018).

I-[126] A. Zaharan, K. M. Nicklaus, M.C. Bordes, G. P. Reece, S. E. Hanson, F. A. Merchant, M. K. Markey, “Developing a Microsoft HoloLens application for mastectomy specimen visualizations,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2018).

I-[127] Y. Zhang, A.J. Moy, X. Feng, H.T. Nguyen. K.R. Sebastian, J.S. Reichenberg, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Clinical skin lesion classification using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy,” 13th International Skin Carcinogenesis Conference (2018).

I-[128] K. M. Nicklaus, B. Tsang*, M.C. Bordes, F. A. Merchant, S.E. Hanson, G. P. Reece, M. K. Markey, “Preliminary Evaluation of a Microsoft HoloLens Augmented Reality Visualization of Mastectomy Specimens During Breast Reconstruction,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (AMIA) (2018).

I-[129] K.M. Nicklaus, A.L. Cheong, J. Liu, G.P. Reece, M.C. Bordes, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, F.A., Merchant, “3D symmetry of pre-operative breasts in cancer patients,” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (2018).

I-[130] B.V. Chapman, X. Lei, P. Patil, S. Tripathi, K. Nicklaus, M.C. Fingeret, S.F. Shaitelman, K. Hunt, T. Buchholz, F.A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, B. Smith, J.P. Reddy, “Quantitative 3D assessment of breast cosmesis after conventional (CF-WBI) versus hypofractionated whole breast radiation (HF-WBI): Results of a randomized clinical trial,” American Radium Society Annual Meeting (2019).

I-[131] K.M. Nicklaus, E. Callado*, J. Cho, M.C. Bordes, J. Liu, D. Chopra, J.M. Engelmann, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “Investigating observer gaze patterns on facial disfigurements from head and neck cancer,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XVIII Conference (2019).

I-[132] K.M. Nicklaus, M.C. Bordes, D. Chopra, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “Appearance counseling needs of breast reconstruction patients,”  Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2019).

I-[133] M. Cook, K.M. Nicklaus, M.C. Bordes, J. Liu, J. Engelmann, D. Chopra, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “Saliency maps of images of facial disfigurements from head and neck cancer,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting (2019).

I-[134] K.M. Nicklaus, M.C. Bordes, J. Liu, D. Chopra, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “Longitudinal satisfaction with information for breast reconstruction patients,” American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium (AMIA) (2019).

I-[135] A.C. Stier, W. Goth, Y. Zhang, M.C. Fox, J.S. Reichenberg, F.C.P.S. Lopes, K.R. Sebastian, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Machine learning approach to determining sub-diffuse optical properties,” OSA Biophotonics Congress (2020).

I-[136] Y. Zhang, A.J. Moy, X. Feng, H.T.M. Nguyen, J.S. Reichenberg, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, ”Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for skin tumor margin assessment,” OSA Biophotonics Congress (2020).

I-[137] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, K.J. Kim, S.J. Park, T.I. Kim, J.H. Cheon, Y. Park, “The long-term risks of low-risk adenoma, high-risk adenoma, and colorectal cancer following adenoma removal,” Digestive Disease Week,  Gastroenterology 158:S-1173 (2020).

I-[138] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, K.J. Kim, T.I. Kim, J.H. Cheon, S.J. Park, Y. Park, “Towards computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for colonoscopy: real-time differentiate of diminutive hyperplastic colorectal polyps and diminutive traditional serrated adenomas using a transfer learning based deep neural network,” Digestive Disease Week,  Gastroenterology 158:S-17 (2020).

I-[139] K.M. Nicklaus, K. Sachdev*, J. Liu , D. Chopra, A. Hoffman, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “What Is “Dr. Google” showing patients about breast reconstruction?”, Plastic Surgery Research Council Annual Meeting (2020). (This conference could not be held because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an alternate format, e-Posters were distributed via Instagram in June 2020.)

I-[140] M. Diab, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.C. Bordes, G.J. Whitman, M.K. Markey, K. Ravi-Chandar, “A physics-based biomechanical model to help predict outcomes after reconstructive surgery of the female breast”, Plastic Surgery Research Council Annual Meeting (2020). (This conference could not be held because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an alternate format, e-Posters were distributed via Instagram in June 2020.)

I-[141] D.S. Li, H. Aghakhani, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, M.S. Sacks, “A novel 3D constitutive model for human breast tissue,” Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (2020).

I-[142] E. Jewett*, K.M. Nicklaus, H. Wang, M.C. Bordes, J. Liu, D. Chopra, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, M.K. Markey, “Preliminary evaluation of a face-specific saliency algorithm for images of disfigured faces,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2020).

I-[143] A. Hurley, A. Stier, W. Goth, Y. Zhang, X. Feng, J. Reichenberg, M. Fox, K. Sebastian, F. Lopes, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell,  “Machine learning-based sub-diffuse optical property mapping for integration into imaging software,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2020).

I-[144] T. Bui, U. Sampathkumar, Z. Nowroozilarki, J. Liu, M.C. Borders, S.E. Hanson, G.P. Reece, M.K Markey, F.A. Merchant, “Symmetry of breasts following reconstructive surgery,” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) (2020).

I-[145] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey., A.C. Bovik., K.J. Kim, T.I. Kim, J.H. Cheon, S.J. Park, Y. Park, “The risk of synchronous colorectal cancer according to subtypes of serrated polyp,” Digestive Disease Week Gastroenterology 160:S-594 (2021).

I-[146] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, J.H. Jo, H.S. Lee, J.Y. Park, S. Bang, M.J. Chung, K.J. Kim, “Application of transfer learning based deep neural network to classify gall bladder polyps as either cholesterol polyp or adenoma using abdominal ultrasound images,” Digestive Disease Week, Gastroenterology 160:S-806 (2021).

I-[147] A. Panajkar*, A. Huang*, V. Mendez-Gonzalez*, H. Schunk, H. Wang, L. Suggs, M.K. Markey, “Pattern recognition of proteases using multiplex peptoid arrays,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2021).

I-[148] H. Wang, J. Liu, M.C. Bordes, D. Chopra, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, A.S. Hoffman, “When discussing breast reconstruction, do psychosocial characteristics influence which surgical options patients remember?” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) (2021).

I-[149] M. Chen, X. Feng, M.K. Markey, J.W. Tunnell, “Combined reflectance confocal microscopy and Raman spectroscopy for skin cancer diagnosis,” Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics (2022).

I-[150] H. Wang, S. Choi, M.C. Hout, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Comparison of approaches for patient-reported visual similarity of breast reconstruction outcomes.,” American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Clinical Informatics Conference (2022).

I-[151] H. Wang, Z. Nowroozilarki, M.C. Bordes, J. Liu, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, F.A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, “Observer perception of breast volume asymmetry on photographs of a physical phantom,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XIX Conference (2022).

I-[152] H. Wang, E. Rehani*, E. Jewett*, M.C. Bordes, K.M. Nicklaus, J. Liu, G.P. Reece, S.E. Hanson, D.A. Chopra, M.K. Markey, “Evaluation of saliency models for clinical photographs of disfigured faces,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XIX Conference (2022). (H. Wang was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work)

I-[153] H. Wang, S. Choi, G.P. Reece, A.M. Francis, M.K. Markey, “Pilot study of active learning methods for visually expressing expectations of appearance outcomes,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2022).

I-[154] Y.-T. Liu, N.H. Khan*, M.C. Bordes, G.P. Reece, A.M. Francis, F.A. Merchant, M.K. Markey, “Quantitative imaging to assess the impact of autologous breast reconstruction on bra fit,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2022).

I-[155] S. Kim, S. Kwon, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, M. Cannesson, “Deep neural network: a novel application to improve the accuracy of pulse oximetry,” The Anesthesiology Annual Meeting (2022).

I-[156] S. Kim, S. Kwon, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, M. Cannesson, “Deep Neural Networks detecting occult hypoxemia in intensive care unit: a retrospective study in the United States,” The Anesthesiology Annual Meeting (2022).

I-[157] S. Kim, S. Kwon, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, M. Cannesson, “Application of Deep Learning for real-time non-invasive continuous monitoring for enhanced peripheral oxygen saturation in intensive care unit (ICU) and Operating Room (OR),” SIAM TX-LA Section, 5th Annual Meeting (2022).

I-[158] S. Kim, S. Kwon, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, M. Cannesson, “Machine learning predicting hypotension in operating room: application of deep neural networks on continuous physiologic waveforms for early prediction of intraoperative hypotension,” Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) Annual Meeting (2023).

I-[159] S. Kim, S. Kwon, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey, M. Cannesson, “Deep Neural Network employing transfer learning to improve racial bias in pulse oximetry accuracy,” Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) Annual Meeting (2023).

I-[160] S. Kim, S. Kwon, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, M. Cannesson, “Deep Neural Networks using continuous waveform of Mean Arterial Pressure to predict intraoperative hypotension in a large intraoperative dataset,” International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meeting (2023).

I-[161] N.H. Khan*, Y.-T. Liu, K.M. Nicklaus, K. Bravo, C. Liu, G.P. Reece, A. Francis, M.K. Markey, “Bra characteristics that breast cancer survivors associate with their sense of normality after surgery,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2023).

I-[162]  H. Wang, S. Choi, G.P. Reece, C.S. Parham, M.C. Bordes, M.C. Hout, M.K. Markey, “Perceptual map of breast reconstruction appearance outcomes,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (2023).

I-[163] H. Wang, G.P. Reece, M.C. Bordes, M.K. Markey, A. Hoffman, “Pandemic Shifts: How did elective breast cancer care change?” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) (2023).

I-[164] S. Bouhali, N. Noufail, T. Chen, M.C. Bordes, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, F. Merchant, D. Chopra, “Associations among BMI and patient-reported body image dissatisfaction after breast reconstruction,” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) (2023).

I-[165] H. Wang, M.K. Markey, N. Pannetier, M. Sampat, “Why complete medical data curation matters: challenges faced while comparing two deep-learning based CT segmentation methods on in-complete testing data,” SPIE Medical Imaging (2024).

I-[166] H. Wang, X.T. Gonzalez, G.A. Renta-Lopez, S. Hull, M.C. Bordes, M.C. Hout, S. Choi, G.P. Reece, M.K. Markey, “Breast cancer survivors’ perceptual map of breast reconstruction appearance outcomes,” Medical Image Perception Society (MIPS) XX Conference (2024). (H. Wang was awarded a MIPS student scholarship for this work).

I-[167] H. Wang, X.T. Gonzalez, G.A. Renta-Lopez, S. Hull, M.C. Bordes, M.C. Hout, S.W. Choi, M.K. Markey, G.P. Reece, “Algorithms to help patients visually express what they expect to look like after breast reconstruction,” AI in Health Conference at Rice Ken Kennedy Institute (2024).

I-[168] X.T. Gonzalez, M.S. Roubaud, M.V. Schaverien, R.D. Largo, C.S. Parham, A.M. Francis, T.A. Chen, A. Hoffman, R.M. Dickey,M.K. Markey, G.P. Reece, “Dear ChatGPT: How Do I Ask My Doctor What I Will Look Like After Breast Reconstruction?” AI in Health Conference at Rice Ken Kennedy Institute (2024).

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