The Engine Room

The R/V Marcus G. Langseth was first launched in 1991 with a 15 year life expectancy. However, this ship has had its fair share of upgrades to keep it up to date and ready to get work done. In our first photo you can see the control room where a combination of older and newer technologies works in conjunction to give the engineers the necessary information and controls to regulate the engines and keep them healthy. We also have a picture of the fuel intake section of the engine (picture 2). And finally, one of the compressors for conducting our seismic data acquisition (picture 3). This part was where the earbuds really came in handy. In fact, when asked about why the entertainment room is so loud, the engineer pointed out that this piece of equipment was at fault for that. The tour of the engine room took a good 30 minutes. We were given an introduction on the technologies ranging from the moving parts that spin our propellers to the water purification system for our water supply while at sea.

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