The Mess Hall

The Mess Hall is where we eat every meal. I like to look out its windows (you can’t see the windows in the picture but they’re behind the fridge and off-screen to the right) and see what kind of waves we’re gonna have that day, despite being able to feel it on my walk over. While this area is always available to hang out in, it has a strict schedule for meal times. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are from 7:20-8:20AM, 11:30AM-12:30PM, and 5:00-6:00 PM respectively. Breakfast has a very similar selection each time, however, lunch and dinner change every day. Another effort the kitchen crew puts in for the rest of us is saving meals in the fridge. Because this is a 24/7 operation, some crew members have shifts that don’t allot time to show up for these meals, so we are sure to save a plate if someone asks. In case they wanted one of the hot meals, a microwave is available at any time.

Don’t worry, all parties in the picture were aware there was a picture being taken beforehand.

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