Lab Testing

We finally have all of our core samples! The next step we are on is finishing up to various testing we will do on them. We have 3 different stations. Image one shows our water sampling. These tests will give us further insight into the original sources of any methane that might be in them (whether those sources are thermogenic or biogenic). It will also show us the chemistry of the water which could have an affect on ocean water chemistry and even the geophysical properties of the surrounding mud. Images 2 and 3 show the CT scanning and Multi-Sensor Core Logger (MSCL) process in our “van”. CT images allow us to look at what’s inside the cores without opening them up at sea, so we’re able to identify the type of sediment we collected and make more informed decisions about the other sampling we do (Image 2). The MST van also houses a MSCL (Image 3) which measures parameters in the core such as density and magnetic susceptibility. These data provide insight into changes that occur in the sediment which helps us to identify shifts in sedimentation over time. Lastly, our thermal conductivity is a physical parameter of the sediment (Image 4). Using our thermal conductivity as well as the temperature of the core sample itself can reveal the different temperatures of the sediment around and under the sample sites

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