Dr. Arjun Ram
PhD: Spring 2023
Alejandro Moreno
MS: Spring 2023
Dallin Wiberg
MS: Spring 2023
Rudrev Dave
MS: Spring 2022
Adam Trask
MS: Spring 2022
Dr. Rahul Moghe
PhD: Spring 2021, “Adaptive Algorithms for Identification of Symmetric and Positive Definite Matrices”
Dr. Kirsten Tuggle
PhD: Summer 2020, “Model Selection for Gaussian Mixture Model Filtering and Sensor Scheduling”
Dr. Marcelino Almeida
PhD: Fall 2019, “Quaternion Regression and Finite-Time Controllers for Attitude Dynamics”
James Bell
MS: Spring 2019, “Estimation for Spacecraft Docking with a Known Target”
Evan Srnka
MS: Fall 2018
Marco Gulino
MS: Spring 2017, “A homotopic approach to solve the fuel optimal spacecraft proximity operations problem”
Dr. Francesco De Dilectis
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Kelley Hashemi
PhD: Summer 2016, “Model Reference Adaptive Control for Nonminimum Phase Aerospace Systems”
Dr. Sungpil Yang
PhD: Spring 2016, “Robustness Properties of Quaternion-Based Attitude Control Systems”
Emily Kollin
MS: Spring 2016, “Autonomous Time-Optimal Spacecraft Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Using Stabilized Continuation”
Dr. Sonia Hernandez
PhD: Summer 2014, “Low-Thrust Trajectory Design Techniques with a Focus on Maintaining Constant Energy”
Dr. Divya Thakur
PhD: Summer 2014, “Adaptation, Gyro-Free Stabilization, and Smooth Angular Velocity Observers for Attitude Tracking Control Applications”
John Edwin Freeze
MS: Summer 2014, “Non-Myopic Optimization Schemes for Sensor Management in Missile Tracking Applications”
Jonathan Michael Ashley
MS: Summer 2014, “Experimental Closed-Loop Control of Unstart in Mach 1.8 Direct-Connect Hypersonic Wind-Tunnel”
Dr. Makiko Okamoto
PhD: Spring 2014, “Novel Potential Function-Based Control Schemes for Nonholonomic Multi-Agent Systems to Prevent the Local Minimum Problem”, MS: Spring 2007, “Adaptive Control Schemes for Systems with Unknown Drift and Control Directions”
Dr. Apurva Chunodkar
PhD: Fall 2012, “Switching-Observer Design, Consensus Management and Time-Delayed Control with Applications for Rigid-Body Attitude Dynamics”, MS: Fall 2009, “Attitude Dynamics Stabilization with Unknown Delay in Feedback Control Implementation”
Dr. Travis Mercker
PhD: Spring 2012, “Adaptive Estimation and Control Algorithms for Certain Classes of Large-Scale Sensor and Actuator Uncertainties”, MS: Spring 2008, “Self-Organization, Event-Detection, and Navigation Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”
Dr. Srikant Sukumar
PhD: Spring 2011, “Persistence Filters for Controller and Observer Design in Singular Gain Systems”
Dr. Tyler Summers
PhD: Fall 2010, “Cooperative Shape and Orientation Control of Autonomous Vehicle Formations”, MS: Spring 2007, “Decentralized Non-Certainty Equivalence Adaptive Control of Large-Scale Interconnected Systems”
Dr. Hector Escobar
MS: Fall 2010, “Geometrical Configuration Comparison of Redundant Inertial Measurement Units”
John Hatlelid
MS: Summer 2008, “Feedback Control Design and Analysis for Unstart Stabilization in Hypersonic Inlets”
Dr. Dongeun Seo
PhD: Summer 2007, “Noncertainty Equivalent Nonlinear Adaptive Control and its Application to Mechanical and Aerospace Systems”
James Doyle
MS: Summer 2007, “Clustering Prediction for the ID-Based Clustering Algorithm”
Robert Wallsgrove
MS: Spring 2004, “Disturbance Accommodating Saturated Attitude Control”
Dr. Hideaki Miwa
PhD: Summer 2002, “Adaptive Output Feedback Controllers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems”