Multi-Agent Systems
We design and analyze distributed control algorithms for networked autonomous agents and swarm systems such that they can work together as a team to accomplish certain common objectives. Our research uses constructs from rigid-graph theory and builds on stochastic modeling efforts in computing and controls. Theoretical and experimental efforts are currently underway addressing applications such as self-assembly, synchronization, coordinated target tracking and vision-based UAV navigation. Work in this area includes:
- Cooperative Control of Tracking Formations in Three-Dimensional Space
- Redundant IMU Configurations
- Self-Organization and Navigation Algorithms for Deployable Decentralized Sensor Networks
Our work addresses fundamental advances in guidance and control for operationally responsive unmanned vehicles. We specifically account for real-world actuator/sensor alignment uncertainties and miniature robot navigation subject to GPS denial. We are also engaged in the development of nonlinear estimation and filtering algorithms with the goal of imparting realism to covariance measures for space situational awareness. Work in this area includes:
- Airborne Autonomous Target Tracking Using Video In-the-Loop Navigation
- Large Scale Sensor and Actuator Misalignments
Nonlinear Controls
Our research addresses control of complex nonlinear systems subject to intermittent sensing and actuation. These results are largely motivated by important applications in reversible transducer systems and in functional electrical stimulation of spinal cord injured patients. We are also engaged in the development of robust closed-loop guidance algorithms for orbit transfer and rendezvous applications. Both low- and high- thrust actuation schemes are considered. Another major thrust of our effort is collaborative research on closed-loop flow-control development for hypersonic inlet-isolator systems where the objective is to enable transformative advances toward safe and efficient space vehicle transportation systems of the future. Work in this area includes:
- Detection, Modeling, and Control of Hypersonic Inlet Unstart
- Lyapunov-Based Orbit Transfers
- Reversible Transducers
Time-Delay Systems
We have been pursuing theoretical benchmarks for stability and performance of networked control systems in the presence of non-negligible time-delays and information blackouts. Our results provide novel avenues for application of complete-type Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for time-delay systems in conjunction with stability analysis mechanisms from switched/hybrid dynamical systems theory. Work in this area includes:
- Control of Nonlinear Systems affected by Feedback Time-Delay