August 2024 Updates from the Office of the CIO

I am thrilled to share the progress we have made in recent months. Our collective efforts have led to significant advancements that have not only enhanced our digital infrastructure but also improved the overall experience for our community.

One of our major accomplishments is nearing completion with two significant network equipment lifecycle projects. The installation of wireless access points is 97% complete, with 3,636 out of 3,759 access points installed across 160 buildings. This project supports newer encryption technologies, improves Wi-Fi performance, and accommodates more user devices. Additionally, the installation of vulnerable switch replacements is 96% complete, with 976 out of 1,020 switches installed across 162 buildings. This initiative reduces risk by eliminating switches that can no longer be security patched, vastly improves performance, and reduces the number of switch models we need to support, lowering the complexity of operations and improving service.

We have also made significant strides in teaching and learning technology. The Simple Syllabus Tool, which provides an easily usable, standardized template for syllabus production and submission, has seen a 259% increase in adoption for the Fall 2024 term compared to Spring. Additionally, we have completed 73 Canvas integration requests between July 1 and August 29, 2024, with 19 more in progress. These integrations ensure that faculty needs are met while protecting student data and lowering the University’s risk of exposing FERPA data.

Another noteworthy achievement is the launch of the Guest Authentication SSO service. This service enhances application access and security for UT guests, visitors, private industry partners, and research collaborators, significantly reducing the need for guest EIDs. Early adopters, such as the Texas Advanced Computing Center and The Alienware Longhorn Esports Arena, have reported high user satisfaction and seamless integration, illustrating the potential for broader application across the University.

These accomplishments are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Enterprise Technology (ET) team and our partners. Your unwavering commitment and collaboration have been invaluable in achieving these milestones. Together, we have set a new standard for excellence and innovation.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries and achieving great things together.

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