On April 10th, Dr. Ming Zhang’s “Planning for Megaregions” Class and the CM2 center hosted Ray Miller, Jr., AICP, the Transportation Planning Coordinator for the City of Georgetown, TX, for a guest lecture. Ray has extensive experience in transportation planning in Texas, with prior work experience with the City of… read more
Guest Lecture
Guest Lecture – Dr. Hersperger of the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Last month, the CM2 office was honored to host Dr. Anna Hersperger and postdoctoral researcher Chunhong Zhao of the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, to discuss their work on the CONCUR project. The CONCUR project aims to understand the role of spatial planning in urban transition. Planners often assume land… read more
Guest Lecture by Dr. Anna Hersperger, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
CM2 is honored to host Dr. Anna Hersperger, Team Leader of the CONCUR project at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, for her talk “From plans to land change: Quantifying the transformative capacity of strategic spatial planning”. Where: CM2 Office (WMB 6.120) When: Monday, April 15th 12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch… read more
Planning for Megaregions Guest Lecture
CM2 is excited to host Ray Miller, Jr., AICP, the Transportation Planning Coordinator for the City of Georgetown, who will be providing a guest lecture to Dr. Ming Zhang’s “Planning for Megaregions” class. When: Wednesday, April 10th 12:30 – 2:00 pm Where: CM2 Office (WMB 6.120) Light refreshments will be… read more
Penn Researcher Dr. John Landis Guest Lectures at UT Austin
On March 4th, the UT Austin office of CM2 welcomed Dr. John Landis, Crossways Professor of City & Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania and CM2 researcher, as a guest speaker for the UT Austin Brown Bag Lunch Speaker series. Dr. Landis spoke about the progress made on his… read more
Guest Lecturer Lisa Schweitzer Reflects on the Landscape of LA Transit, as Seen in Instagram and Yelp
The UTC Office welcomed Dr. Lisa Schweitzer to host a guest lecture for faculty and students participating in UTC sponsored research as well as students and professors from Community and Regional Planning and Civil Engineering as a part of education and outreach efforts. Dr. Schweitzer is a Professor at the… read more