CCF PRESS ADVISORY: How Can Colleges Define Consent and Reduce Unwanted Sex? No easy answers here.
Virginia Rutter
KEYNOTE: No Easy Answers: Can Colleges Define Consent and
Reduce Unwanted Sex?
Stephanie Coontz and Paula England
What’s New About Consent
Rebecca L. Davis
Sex and Consent on Campus: Definitions, Dilemmas, and New Directions
Deborah L. Rhode
Defining Sexual Consent on Campus: Media vs. Policies
Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Sandra Levitsky, Kamaria Porter,
Miriam Gleckman-Krut, Elizabeth Chase, and Jessica Garrick
“Consensualish” – Let’s talk about sex that people don’t want but “go along” with it
Jessie V. Ford
A Restorative Justice Approach to Campus Sexual Misconduct
David Karp
The Social Production of Campus Sexual Assault
Jennifer S. Hirsch & Shamus Khan