Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
North Carolina State University
Email: mia.brantley@ncsu.edu
Website: https://www.mia-brantley.com/
Twitter: @_MiaBrantley
Topics of Expertise: Children / Marriage, Cohabitation & Committed Relationships / Feminism & Families / Health & Illness / Parenthood / Race, Ethnicity, & Culture / African American Families / Transitions: Adolescents to Adulthood
Mia is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University. As a trained sociologist, Mia’s academic scholarship lies at the intersection of race, gender, and family within the context of health. Specifically, she utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to understand how the consequences of race shape Black families’ well-being. Her current research agenda includes: (1) How is race-related stress transmitted within Black Families, and (2) In what ways does race shape the well-being and lived experiences of Black mothers? Her goal is to provide both exploration and insight into the multiple pathways through which race-related stress impacts the well-being and lived experiences of Black families.