Check out CCF boardmember Pepper Schwartz’s comments on member Kelly Musick’s report on pre-marital parenting.
CCF News
Stephanie Coontz cited in SCOTUS decision
CCF Research Director Stephanie Coontz is cited in the SCOTUS decision legalizing same-sex marriage, June 26, 2015.
Check out this related story in the Seattle Times.
CCF 2016 Conference: Orientation Information
CCF’s 2016 Conference
March 4-5, 2016
Families as They Really Are: Demographics, Disparities, and Debates

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Check out UT’s website for lot parking garage rates and locations.
Driving Directions (from Austin International Airport to Brazos Garage/ UT Campus):
Plan for a minimum 20-minute drive from Austin Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) to the University of Texas campus.
- Exit ABIA onto State Highway 71 West and follow it about five miles to I-35 North.
- Drive North on I-35 about five miles and take the Martin Luther King Boulevard exit.
- Turn left and follow MLK Blvd. over the highway.
- Pass the intersections at Red River, Trinity, and San Jacinto.
- Turn right into the Brazos Garage at the corner of Brazos St. and MLK Blvd.
Austin is home to numerous taxi/ car rental companies and ride sharing services, but there are public transportation options, as well.
Capitol Metro’s Airport/ Downtown shuttle (Bus #100) has a stop directly in front of UT stadium (just up the hill from Glickman Conference Center).
For schedules and to learn more about public transportation options, visit:
Additionally,the conference hotels advertise airport shuttle service. You may check with your hotel for their airport shuttle schedule and terms.
Blocks of rooms have been reserved for this event at:
Hampton Inn & Suites (University/ Capitol)
Block Rate: $189
1701 Lavaca Street
Austin, TX 78701
La Quinta Inn (Austin Capitol)
Block Rate: $125.10 ($89.10 for 3/3)
300 East 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
CCF Press Advisory: Attention Cohabitors: Having a baby before you marry no longer raises your risk of divorce.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Virginia Rutter / Framingham State University Sociology / 206 375 4139
CCF PRESS ADVISORY: Attention Cohabitors: Having a baby before you marry no longer raises your risk of divorce
September 16, Austin, TX— Today the majority of weddings take place between couples who already live together. And recent research shows that, unlike the past, living together before marriage does not raise a couple’s risk of divorce. Until now, however, it seemed prudent to tell couples to “put a ring on it” before they had a baby. Couples who married after their first child was born were much more likely to divorce than couples who married before starting their family.
Another rule bites the dust: New research, presented today to the Council on Contemporary Families, shows that couples who marry after their first child is born now stay together at the same rate as those who marry before the child arrives. Pushing your baby carriage before your marriage no longer raises a couple’s risk of divorce.
In “What Happens When Couples Marry after the First Baby?”, Kelly Musick (Cornell University) and Katherine Michelmore (University of Michigan) compared couples who had their first child between 1985 and 1995 and those who had their first child after 1997. Consistent with the “old facts” of family life, couples from the earlier period who married after the birth of their child were 60 percent more likely to divorce than couples who married before having a child. But just a decade later, couples who married after their child’s birth, whether one year later or five, had no higher a chance of divorce than couples who bought their baby carriage after marriage.
The timing of new parents’ marriage didn’t matter, but getting married did. Cohabiting parents who did not marry at all had a break-up rate twice as high as those who got married. About 30 percent of cohabiting new parents had broken up within five years of the birth of a child. The researchers express concern about the impact of such instability on children but warn:
It is not at all clear that if we could magically assign these cohabiting couples to marry, their family relationships would be more stable. Cohabiting couples tend to have less education and income than married couples, and it may be that those who do not marry are a particularly disadvantaged group.
It is also possible, Musick and Michelmore add, that such couples do not marry because they have relationship problems or personal issues that raise their risk of breaking up, with or without marriage. They conclude:
Marriage is less a silver bullet than it is an outcome of a whole set of factors linked to stability and security that help parents stay together. The stark and growing differences in divorce risks between couples with little education and those with a college degree undermine the notion that marriage itself can solve the bigger problems that stem from economic uncertainty and inequality.
Times are changing fast. Explains Stephanie Coontz, Council on Contemporary Families’ Director of Research and Education: “This research is one more example of the remarkably rapid changes occurring in ‘the rules of romance’ between men and women. Marrying at a later age than average used to raise a woman’s chance of divorce. So did having more education than her husband. So did living together before marriage. None of those things is a risk any more. In fact, delaying marriage lowers a woman’s risk of divorce, and having less education than her husband raises it. The early stages of the struggle for gender equality destabilized marriage and led to sharp drops in fertility. But a recent study by Frances Goldscheider suggests that the further progress of gender equality makes couples more stable and even encourages women to have a second child. It’s an exciting time for family researchers because the dynamics of relationships are changing so quickly.”
CCF BRIEF: What Happens When Couples Marry after the First Baby?
CCF PRESS ADVISORY: Birth before marriage no longer means more risk for divorce
The briefing paper highlights some of the findings of a much longer study by Kelly Musick and Katherine Michelmore, “Change in the Stability of Marital and Cohabiting Unions Following the Birth of a Child,” forthcoming in Demography.
For further information, contact:
Kelly Musick, Associate Professor of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University,, 607-255-6067.
Katherine Michelmore, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan,, 734-615-3802
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The Council on Contemporary Families, based at the University of Texas-Austin, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of family researchers and practitioners that seeks to further a national understanding of how America’s families are changing and what is known about the strengths and weaknesses of different family forms and various family interventions.
The Council helps keep journalists informed of notable work on family-related issues via the CCF Network. To join the CCF Network, or for further media assistance, please contact Stephanie Coontz, Director of Research and Public Education, at, cell 360-556-9223.
Follow us! @CCF_Families and
Read our blog Families as They Really Are –
DATE: September 16, 2015
What Happens When Couples Marry after the First Baby?

What Happens When Couples Marry after the First Baby?
A briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families by Kelly Musick, Cornell University and Katherine Michelmore, University of Michigan
September 16, 2015
One of the consistent findings of sociological research in recent decades has been that couples who had a child before getting married had substantially higher odds of divorcing than couples who married first. This held true even when researchers controlled for other factors that tend to distinguish such couples from those who marry directly—education, family background, race and ethnicity. But considering the tremendous increase in premarital cohabitation and childbearing over the past quarter century, and in light of new evidence that many other longstanding “laws” of marriage and divorce have been overturned (e.g., see “It’s Not Just Attitudes: Marriage Is Also Becoming More Egalitarian”; Are Individuals Who Marry at an Older Age Too Set in Their Ways to Make Their Marriages Work?), we set out to investigate whether this particular sociological “rule” still applies.
We used large-scale data from the 1995 and 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), which asks women of childbearing age questions about relationships and family formation. We analyzed all marital and cohabiting unions in which a child was born within 10 years of the surveys (i.e., between 1985 and 1995 in the earlier period and 1997 and 2010 in the later period). We ended up with a sample of 2,656 couples from the 1995 NSFG and 3,046 from the 2006-2010 interviews.
In the earlier period, for births occurring between 1985 and 1995, 17 percent of the couples we studied had a child before marrying. Of these, 21 percent married within a year, and 59 percent of those still together went on to marry within 5 years. In the later period, for births occurring between 1997 and 2010, 35 percent of the couples we studied (fully twice as many as a decade earlier) had a child together before marrying. This time a smaller but still significant percentage of such couples later married: 15 percent did so within a year, and 48 percent within 5 years.
In the 1995 sample, as researchers had long warned, couples who lived together, had a premarital birth, and later went on to marry were more than 60 percent more likely to divorce than couples who married before having a child. But just a decade later, couples who lived together, had a child, and then went on to marry after the birth of their first child had no higher chance of breaking up than couples who married without ever living together first or couples who lived together but married before having a child.
In each case, we controlled for socio-demographic factors that correlate with differences in marital behaviors and the risk of divorce. Controlling for these factors, we found that the risk of divorce for couples who wed after having their first child outside marriage was no longer any higher than for couples who lived together but married before having their first child or for couples who never lived together at all before getting married and starting a family.
The only cohabiting parents with significantly higher chances of breaking up were those who never married. Again controlling for socio-demographic factors, we found that about 30 percent of couples who never married separated within five years, a breakup rate twice as high as that we found among the married. This is a disturbing finding in terms of child outcomes, because we know that family instability is a risk factor for children.
It is not at all clear, however, that if we could magically assign these cohabiting couples to marry, their family relationships would be more stable. In general, cohabiting couples tend to have less education and income than married couples, and it may be that those who do not marry are a particularly disadvantaged group (for example, we could not account for the job prospects of male partners). Such couples may also have relationship problems (substance abuse, infidelity, or domestic violence) that explain why they do not get married, and that would not be solved by giving them a marriage license. Marriage is less a silver bullet than it is an outcome of a whole set of factors linked to stability and security that help parents stay together. The stark and growing differences in divorce risks between couples with little education and those with a college degree undermine the notion that marriage itself can solve the bigger problems that stem from economic uncertainty and inequality (e.g., see “The New Instability”; Labor’s Love Lost).
Our research addresses the potential impact of rising childbearing among cohabiting couples—and in the process sheds new light on the evolving meanings of marriage and cohabitation in the U.S. By looking closely at changes in parents’ unions around the time of childbirth, we found that premarital births no longer predict breakups, as long as couples marry at some point after a child is born. But much still remains to be learned about the causes and consequences of persistent family instability when parents never marry at all.
This briefing paper highlights some of the findings of a much longer study by Kelly Musick and Katherine Michelmore, “Change in the Stability of Marital and Cohabiting Unions Following the Birth of a Child,” forthcoming in Demography.
For further information, contact:
Kelly Musick
Associate Professor of Policy Analysis and Management
Cornell University
Katherine Michelmore
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Michigan
CCF PRESS ADVISORY: It Got Better! Data show gender revolution’s benefits to families

For Immediate Release
Contact: Virginia Rutter / Framingham State University Sociology / 206 375 4139
CCF PRESS ADVISORY: It Got Better! Data show gender revolution’s benefits to families
August 25, 2015 / Austin, TX: A briefing report by University of Maryland demographer Frances Goldscheider, prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families, summarizes new research suggesting that women’s fight for equality, which initially destabilized family life, now represents the best way forward for family well-being. The new brief, Gender Revolution and the Restabilization of Family Life, is being circulated in time for August 26, Women’s Equality Day.
Three recent eras, profiled in the report, illustrate how times have changed:
Pre-1970s: The Bad Old Good Ol’ Days. Think Mad Men–right before women gained parity with men in higher education, and when women had few options to support themselves outside marriage and few rights within marriage. Even most unhappy marriages were “stable” because people had few alternatives.
From the 1970s until the early 2000s: An Awkward Transition. In this time, women were changing their expectations and options–but men were not catching up. The result was conflict, disappointment, and unhappiness. Research suggested that women who pursued higher education or careers found it hard to get or stay married; marital partners who shared earning or housework had less sex; and all sorts of other things that said: Go back! The Gender Revolution will hurt you.
Since the 2000s: Equality Works! Goldscheider reports that among couples and in countries that have made the most progress toward gender equality, family life has restabilized. Research reveals declining divorce rates, improved sex lives, and greater satisfaction among married couples that share earning, housework, and parenting. Extending gender equality may even be the best hope for halting the fertility decline that has occurred since women entered the workforce. (To wit, another new, cross-national study showed that when parents’ life satisfaction declines after a first birth—often the consequence of low levels of support–this depresses the chances of having more children.) Read the CCF report to learn more about the times when It Got Better.
This CCF report builds upon Goldscheider’s recent Population and Development Review article and other new research. Stephanie Coontz, CCF’s Director of Research and Education, noted, “Goldscheider’s brief adds to the accumulating evidence that many of the problems families face today exist not because feminism has gone too far but because it has not yet gone far enough. Men, women, and children will benefit if we complete the gender revolution — making it easier for women to integrate work and family life and for men to ‘lean in’ at home.”
This trend is not going away: This weekend in Chicago, CCF senior scholar Dan Carlson also presented on how women’s equality now leads to more stability in marriages, among those contracted from the 1990s to the present. Read about his American Sociological Association meeting presentation about the sex lives of couples who share childcare, and see related evidence about housework, sex, and the stabilizing effects of equality.
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Brief Report: Gender Revolution and the Restabilization of Family Life //
Press Advisory: Times are changing! Data show gender revolution’s benefits to family life //
Contact: Frances Goldscheider, College Park Professor of Family Science, University of Maryland;; 518-656-9759.
Contact: Stephanie Coontz, CCF Director of Research and Public Education and Professor of History and Family Studies at The Evergreen State College; cell 360-556-9223.
The Council on Contemporary Families, based at the University of Texas-Austin, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of family researchers and practitioners that seeks to further a national understanding of how America’s families are changing and what is known about the strengths and weaknesses of different family forms and various family interventions.
The Council helps keep journalists informed of notable work on family-related issues via the CCF Network. To join the CCF Network, or for further media assistance, please contact Stephanie Coontz, Director of Research and Public Education, at, cell 360-556-9223.
Follow: @CCF_Families and
Read: Families as They Really Are –
DATE: August 25, 2015