Archive for April 2nd, 2010

Gruber on the “closed” iPad

April 2nd, 2010  |  Published in Uncategorized

As a follow up to my comments below on Tim Bray’s anti-Apple rant, here’s Jon Gruber on the issue: The Kids Are All Right.

Such is the march of progress. 40 years ago you could open the hood of your car and see and touch just about every component in there. And you had to, because many of those components required frequent maintenance. To properly own a car required, to some degree, that you understood how a car worked. Today, you open the hood of your car and you see a big sealed block and a basin for the windshield washer fluid. You can buy a new car, drive it for years, and never once open the hood yourself.

That’s the iPad.

I’m pretty much completely in agreement.

(I might also note that, despite the changes in automotive technology, my oldest son is still very interested in auto mechanics. Of course, he did end up buying a ’68 Mustang to work on.)

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