The Urban Ethnography Lab congratulates Ethnolab Fellow Shannon Malone Gonazalez for her accepted paper in Gender and Society titled “Making It Home: An Intersectional Analysis of Double Consciousness and Vulnerability in the Police Talk”. Shannon’s paper will appear Online in January 2019, to be published in June 2019. Congratulations, Shannon!
Congrats to Katie Rogers on ASA Award!
The Urban Ethnography Lab congratulates Graduate Fellow Katie Rogers, who was awarded the 2018 Bruce D. Johnson Graduate Student Paper Award for her paper entitled “Only Real Criminals Rape: Race, Sexuality, and Morality Discourse in the U.S. Legal Cannabis Industry” by the ASA’s section on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco. Congratulations,… read more
Congrats to Shannon Malone Gonzalez on ASA Award!
The Urban Ethnography Lab congratulates Graduate Fellow Shannon Malone Gonzalez, who was awarded the 2018 ASA Distinguished Graduate Student Paper Award, Section on Race, Gender, and Class, for her paper, “Black Girls and the Talk: Policing, Parenting, and the (Re)Production of Social Class”. Congratulations, Shannon!