Courses at The University of Texas at Austin (2009 – ):
NOTE: UT Austin course web sites are accessible to authorized users via
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- Modified service for MRSEC Directorship (S)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- Modified service for MRSEC Directorship (S)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- Modified service for major proposal preparation (F)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (S, freshman level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 302: Introduction to Electrical Engineering (F, freshman level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (S, graduate level)
- EE 396K-23: Semiconductor Heterostructures (F, graduate level)
- EE 396V: Advanced Solid-State Materials and Nanostructures (S, graduate level)
Courses at University of California, San Diego (1992 – 2009):
- ECE 212A: Principles of Nanoscience (F, graduate level)
- ECE 135B: Electronic Devices (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 212A: Principles of Nanoscience (F, graduate level)
- ECE 236A: Semiconductor Heterostructure Materials (W, graduate level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 135A: Semiconductor Physics (F, senior level)
- ECE 236A: Semiconductor Heterostructure Materials (W, graduate level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 236A: Semiconductor Heterostructure Materials (W, graduate level)
- Sabbatical-in-residence (W)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 294: Solid-State Electronics Graduate Seminar (S, graduate level)
- ECE 135A: Semiconductor Physics (F, senior level)
- ECE 236A: Semiconductor Heterostructure Materials (F, graduate level)
- ECE 135B: Electronic Devices (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 135A: Semiconductor Physics (F, senior level)
- ECE 135B: Electronic Devices (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- Course relief due to heavy University service
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- Course relief due to heavy University service
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- ECE 134: Electronic Materials Science of Integrated Circuits (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- ECE 136: Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- Sabbatical leave (W)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- ECE 134: Electronic Materials Science of Integrated Circuits (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- ECE 136: Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (W, senior level)
- ECE 230C: Solid State Electronics III (S, graduate level)
- ECE 103: Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (F, junior level)
- ECE 5B: Our Natural and Artificial Environment – Computers (W, introductory/nonmajor level)
- ECE 138: Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (F, senior level)
- ECE 5B: Our Natural and Artificial Environment – Computers (W, introductory/nonmajor level)
- ECE 121C: Electromagnetism III (S, senior level)
- ECE 239: Nanometer-Scale Probes and Devices (F, advanced graduate level)
- ECE 5B: Our Natural and Artificial Environment – Computers (W, introductory/nonmajor level)
- ECE 121C: Electromagnetism III (S, senior level)
- ECE 138: Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (S, senior level)
- ECE 5B: Our Natural and Artificial Environment – Computers (W, introductory/nonmajor level)
- ECE 121C: Electromagnetism III (S, senior level)