Welcome to Dr. Ferche’s Research Group!
We are focused on the development of modeling techniques tailored to simulate the response of reinforced concrete structures. Our goal is to unlock new possibilities for practical structural assessment of real-world reinforced concrete infrastructure. The work we conduct encompasses a dual approach involving both analytical and experimental investigations. Through these endeavors, we gain insight into the intricate mechanisms particular to reinforced concrete, contribute to the evolution of constitutive models, and validate the reliability of our numerical methodologies.
Han, Sangyoung, Jarrod Zaborac, Jongkwon Choi, Anca C. Ferche, and Oguzhan Bayrak (2024). “Strength and Serviceability of Shear-Critical Post-Tensioned Girders.” ACI Structural Journal 121, no. 5.
Amjad Y. Diab and Anca C. Ferche (2024). “Modeling The Response of UHPFRC Shear-Critical Beams: Integrating Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis And Machine Learning” (Accepted for Publication)
Amjad Y. Diab and Anca C. Ferche (2024). “Prediction of Tensile Properties of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network.” ACI Structural Journal 121, no. 2: 57-69.
UHPC Direct Tension Database (kaggle.com): untitled post 37Soto-Rojas, Michael A., Anca C. Ferche, and Dan Palermo (2023). “Behavior of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy-and Steel-Reinforced Shear Walls Repaired with Engineered Cementitious Composite.” ACI Structural Journal 120, no. 4: 207-222.
Ferche, Anca C., and Frank J. Vecchio (2022). “Modeling of Alkali-Silica Reaction-Affected Shear-Critical Reinforced Concrete Structures.” ACI Structural Journal 119, no. 2: 75-88.
Ferche, Anca C., and Frank J. Vecchio (2022). “Mechanical properties of alkali-silica reaction-affected concrete.” ACI Mater. J 119 (2022): 251-262.
Habibi, Siavash, Anca C. Ferche, and Frank J. Vecchio (2022). “Modeling corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete members.” ACI Structural Journal 119, no. 1: 169-182.
Liu C., Ferche A. C., and Vecchio F. J. (2022) “Modelling Short-Term Monotonic Response of Timber-Concrete Composite Structures,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 49 (2), 201-211.
Ferche, Anca C., and Frank J. Vecchio (2021). “Behavior of Alkali-Silica Reaction-Affected Reinforced Concrete Elements Subjected to Shear.” ACI Structural Journal 118, no. 4: 163-174.
Hunter, Mark D., Anca C. Ferche, and Frank J. Vecchio (2021). “Stochastic finite element analysis of shear-critical concrete structures.” ACI Structural Journal 118, no. 3: 71-83.
Ferche, Anca C., Bishnu Gautam, Farhad Habibi, Daman K. Panesar, Shamim A. Sheikh, Frank J. Vecchio, and Nebojsa Orbovic (2019). “Material, structural and modelling aspects of alkali aggregate reaction in concrete.” Nuclear Engineering and Design 351: 87-93.
Ferche, Anca C., and Frank J. Vecchio (2019). “Cyclic Crack-Slip Model for Smeared Rotating Crack Formulations.” ACI Structural Journal 116, no. 4.
Ferche, Anca C., Daman K. Panesar, Shamim A. Sheikh, and Frank J. Vecchio (2017). “Toward macro-modeling of alkali-silica reaction-affected structures.” ACI Structural Journal 114, no. 5: 1121-1129.