Important publications
- Goodwin GM, Malievskaia E, Fonzo GA, & Nemeroff CB. (2023). Must psilocybin always “assist psychotherapy”? The American Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.20221043
- Dunsmoor JE, Cisler JM, Fonzo GA, Creech SK, & Nemeroff CB (2022). Laboratory models of post-traumatic stress disorder: The elusive bridge to translation. Neuron 110(11): 1754-1776. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.03.001
- Fonzo GA, Goodkind MS, Oathes DJ, Zaiko YV, Harvey M, Peng KK, Weiss ME, Thompson AL, Zack SE, Lindley SE, Arnow BA, Jo B, Rothbaum BO, & Etkin A. (2021). Amygdala and insula connectivity changes following psychotherapy for PTSD: A randomized clinical trial. Biological Psychiatry 89(9): 857-867.
- Wu W, Zhang Y, Jiang J, Lucas MV, Fonzo GA, Rolle CE, et al. (2020). Antidepressant-responsive brain signature in major depression defined by electroencephalography. Nature Biotechnology 38(4): 439-447. doi: 10.1038/s41587-019-0397-3
- Rolle CE, Fonzo GA, Wu W, Toll R, Jha MK, Cooper C, et al. (2020). Cortical connectivity moderators of antidepressant versus placebo treatment response in major depressive disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 77(4): 397-408. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.3867.
- Fonzo GA, Etkin A, Zhang Y, Cooper C, Chin Fatt C, Jha MK, et al. (2020). Brain regulation of emotional conflict predicts antidepressant treatment response for depression. Nature Human Behaviour 3(12): 1319-1331. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0732-1.
- Fonzo GA (2019): Childhood Maltreatment and Amygdala Threat Reactivity in Young Adults—Timing Is Everything. JAMA Psychiatry 76(8): 781-782. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0432.
- Etkin A, Maron-Katz A, Wu W, Fonzo GA, Huemer J, Vértes PE, et al. (2019): Using fMRI connectivity to define a treatment-resistant form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Science Translational Medicine 11(486): eaal3236.
- Fonzo GA, Fine NB, Wright RN, Achituv M, Zaiko YV, Merin O, et al. (2019): Internet-delivered computerized cognitive & affective remediation training for the treatment of acute and chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: Two randomized clinical trials. Journal of Psychiatric Research 115:82-89.
- Fonzo GA (2018): Diminished positive affect and traumatic stress: A biobehavioral review and commentary on trauma affective neuroscience. Neurobiology of Stress 9:214-230.
- Fonzo GA, Goodkind MS, Oathes DJ, Zaiko YV, Harvey M, Peng KK, et al. (2017): PTSD Psychotherapy Outcome Predicted by Brain Activation During Emotional Reactivity and Regulation. The American Journal of Psychiatry 174:1163-1174.
- Fonzo GA, Goodkind MS, Oathes DJ, Zaiko YV, Harvey M, Peng KK, et al. (2017): Selective Effects of Psychotherapy on Frontopolar Cortical Function in PTSD. The American Journal of Psychiatry 174:1175-1184.
- Fonzo GA, Etkin A (2017): Affective neuroimaging in generalized anxiety disorder: an integrated review. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 19:169-179.
- Fonzo GA, Etkin A (2016): Brain Connectivity Reflects Mental and Physical States in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 80:733-735.
- Fonzo GA, Ramsawh HJ, Flagan TM, Simmons AN, Sullivan SG, Allard CB, et al. (2016): Early life stress and the anxious brain: evidence for a neural mechanism linking childhood emotional maltreatment to anxiety in adulthood. Psychological Medicine 46:1037-1054.
- Fonzo GA, Ramsawh HJ, Flagan TM, Sullivan SG, Letamendi A, Simmons AN, et al. (2015): Common and disorder-specific neural responses to emotional faces in generalised anxiety, social anxiety and panic disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry 206:206-215.
- Fonzo GA, Simmons AN, Thorp SR, Norman SB, Paulus MP, Stein MB (2010): Exaggerated and disconnected insular-amygdalar blood oxygenation level-dependent response to threat-related emotional faces in women with intimate-partner violence posttraumatic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry 68:433-441.