Ph.D. 2007
I graduated from the University of Chicago in 2000 with degrees in Neurobiology and Ecology and Evolution. Upon coming to the Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Texas, I was awarded a University Preemptive Fellowship. I completed the Neural Systems and Behavior Course at Woods Hole, Massachussetts in 2002. As a graduate student, I was president of the Neuroscience Graduate Students’ Association, and organized of the Annual Neuroscience Symposium. My graduate research was funded by a two-year predoctoral grant offered by PhRMA, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers’ of America Foundation.
My PhD dissertation investigated the long-term and multigenerational effects of prenatal exposure to a class of environmental toxicant known as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). I used a model of prenatal exposure to low, environmental-relevant levels of PCBs on reproductive development, adult physiology and behavior, and effects on the next generation.
- Steinberg RM, Juenger TE, Gore AC (2007) The effects of prenatal PCBs on adult female paced mating reproductive behaviors in rats. Hormones & Behavior 51: 364-372.
- Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Juenger TE, Woller MJ, Gore AC (2008) The effects of perinatal PCBs on adult female rat reproduction: Development, reproductive physiology, and second generational effects. Biology of Reproduction 78: 1091-1101.
Published Abstracts:
- Gore AC, Feduccia A, Choudhury L, Yin W, Steinberg RM, Maffucci JA, Hughes S (2004) Blockade of the nocturnal increase in GnRH release delays the onset of puberty in female rats. Endocrine Society Abst.
- Steinberg RM, Gore AC (2004) Effects of fetal PCB exposure on reproductive neuroendocrine function. Joint NIEHS-ACC Grantee Meeting Abst.
- Steinberg RM, Gore AC (2004) Endocrine disrupting chemicals alter reproductive development and paced mating behavior in female rats. Society for Neuroscience Abst.
- Gore AC, Steinberg RM (2004) Reproductive outcomes of prenatal PCB exposures. National Conference on Persistent Contaminants: New Priorities, New Concerns, Abst.
- Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Gore AC (2005) Prenatal PCB exposure results in altered development and sexual behaviors in female rats. Endocrine Society Forum on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Abst., San Diego, CA.
- Dickerson SM, Walker DM, Steinberg RM, Dangleben NL, Gore AC (2005) Mechanisms for polychlorinated biphenyl actions on GnRH development. Endocrine Society Forum on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Abst., San Diego, CA.
- Dickerson SM, Walker DM, Steinberg RM, Dangleben NL, Gore AC (2005) Mechanisms for Aroclor 1221 actions on GnRH development. SETAC South Central Regional Meeting Abst., Marble Falls, TX.
- Gore AC, Steinberg RM, Walker DM (2005) Fetal PCB exposure disrupts reproductive physiology and behavior in adulthood. NIEHS Grantee Meeting Abst., Durham, NC.
- Gore AC, Steinberg RM, Walker DM (2005) Endocrine disrupting effects of PCBs on reproductive neuroendocrine function. Gulf Coast Society of Toxicology Abst., Austin, TX.
- Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Gore AC (2005) Altered adult gene expression following prenatal PCB exposure – a microarray study. Gulf Coast Society of Toxicology Abst., Austin, TX.
- Steinberg RM, Walker DM, Juenger T, Gore AC (2006) Perinatal PCBs induce altered adult gene expression in the preoptic area of the female rat. Endocrine Society Abst, Boston, MA.
- Wagner T, Wu D, Garcia Y, Chin L, Walker DM, Steinberg RM, Gore AC (2007) The effects of gestational ethinyl estradiol exposure on reproductive development and function in adulthood. Endocrine Society Abst., Toronto, Canada.
- PhRMA Predoctoral Fellowship, 2004-2006 ($20,000 for 2 years, Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America) for dissertation stipend.
- Elected to Sigma Xi, 2005