I’m an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. My current research interests include developing statistical learning and optimization algorithms for electric power grids and networked systems.
See here for our latest manuscripts and current projects. [Google Scholar] [LinkedIn]
- 3/2024: Hao was selected as an ONR Senior Summer Faculty Fellow, to conduct a 10-week research collaboration with NIWC-Pacific at San Diego, CA.
- 10/2023: We received a new DOE grant on Ruggedized Mobile Fast Charger for Off-Road Vehicles. Thank you DOE!
- 09/2023: Mohamad Chehade joined our group from American University of Beirut (AUB). Welcome Mohamad!
- 08/2023: Hao was selected as a member of the inaugural cohort of the UT Research Leaders Academy.
- 07/2023: We received a new grant from Army Research Office (ARO) to design safe reinforcement learning algorithms for networked systems. Thank you ARO!
- 05/2023: Our university-led consortium on industry decarbonization was funded by DOE.
- 09/2022: I’m now an Associate Professor.
- 08/2022: Young-ho Cho joined our group from Konkuk University. Welcome Young-ho!
- 01/2022: Our paper on Scalable Learning for Optimal Load Shedding Under Power Grid Emergency Operations has been accepted by IEEE PES General Meeting. Congrats Yuqi and Park!
- 01/2022: Our paper on Inferring power system dynamics from synchrophasor data using Gaussian processes has been accepted by IEEE TPWRS. This is a collaborative work led by Prof. Kekatos’ group at VT.
- 11/2021: Shanny presented her paper on Data-driven Modeling for Distribution Grids Under Partial Observability at the 2021 NAPS symposium.
- 08/2021: We have two new preprints: Reinforcement Learning Based Optimal Battery Control Under Cycle-based Degradation Cost and Data-driven Modeling for Distribution Grids Under Partial Observability
- 08/2021: Our new grant Learning-Enabled Modeling, Monitoring, and Decision Making for Distribution Grids has been awarded by NSF ECCS program. Thanks NSF!
- 08/2021: Our paper on Enhancing the Spatio-temporal Observability of Grid-Edge Resources in Distribution Grids has been accepted by TSG. Congrats Shanny!
- 08/2021: Our paper on Inferring power system frequency oscillations using Gaussian processes has been accepted by IEEE CDC. This is a collaborative work led by Prof. Kekatos’ group at VT.
- 07/2021: Hao presented a PSERC summer tutorial on Physics- and Risk-aware Machine Learning for Power System Operations.
- 06/2021: Shaohui’s paper on Graph Neural Networks for Learning Real-Time Prices in Electricity Market is accepted by 2021 ICML Workshop on Climate Change. [Arxiv]
- 05/2021: Revised the UG/Grad course on “Data Analytics in Power Systems” at UT [Lecture notes]
- 02/2021: Presented a talk on 2021 Texas Blackout: Facts and Initial Thoughts to UT-Austin students. Recording/slides available.
- 01/2021: Yuqi’s paper on Substation-Level Grid Topology Optimization Using Bus Splitting is accepted to 2021 ACC.
- 11/2020: Hao presented a talk on Spatio-Temporal Learning for Enhancing the Situational Awareness of Power Grids, at the webinar series organized by the IEEE Big Data Analytics subcommittee.
- 10/2020: New manuscript with Yuqi: Efficient Identification of Bus Split Events Using Synchrophasor Data.
- 09/2020: Hao is invited to participate in NAE’s 2020 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
- 07/2020: Our NSF-SCC planning grant ECET: Empowering Community-centric Electrified Transportation has been awarded. Looking forward to working with our UT Architecture and LBJ colleagues on this project. Thank you NSF.
- 02/2020: Hao is part of the EPRI GREAT with Data team funded by DOE to develop a new digital power systems course.
- 01/2020: Hao is part of the organizing committee for an NSF workshop on Machine Learning and Data Science for Power Systems. [link]
- 01/2020: Yuqi’s paper on topology control under uncertainty is accepted to 2020 IEEE PES General Meeting. [Arxiv]
- 10/2019: We have one invited presentation on real-time transmission topology control under uncertainty (with Yuqi and Dr. Grani Hanasusanto) at INFORMS.
- 10/2019: Yuqi received the best student paper award (1st place) and best elevator pitch presentation (2nd place) from NAPS at Wichita State. Congrats Yuqi!
- 08/2019: Kyung-bin Kwon and Shaohui Liu are joining UT this year. Welcome!
- 06/2019: Participated in the UT Women in Engineering Program (WEP) summer camps along with Shanny. Gave a talk to junior high school girls on “the power grid #apagon” using the slides here.
- 06/2019: New manuscript (with Kaiqing, Alec, and Tamer): Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Methods to (Almost) Locally Optimal Policies . Earlier conference version to be presented at CDC 2019.
- 06/2019: New manuscript (with Yu): Fast Nonconvex SDP Solvers for Large-scale Power System State Estimation
- 06/2019: New accepted paper (with Yi and others): Optimal Blocking Device Placement for Geomagnetic Disturbance Mitigation.
- 06/2019: Review book chapter (with Chen at Argonne): A Sparse Representation Approach for Power System Anomaly Identication Using Synchrophasor Data
- 06/2019: I’m honored to receive the IEEE PES Austin Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award (OEA).
- 05/2019: Presented tutorial ‘”data-driven grid dynamics modeling using ambient synchrophasor data” at the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA), College Station, TX.
- 04/2019: New paper (with Lin-yu, Max, Dr. Chu): Intrusion Detection in Distributed Frequency Control of Isolated Microgrids, appeared on IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
- 04/2019: I’m giving a talk on data-driven grid dynamics modeling using PMU data at the upcoming NREL Autonomous Grid Workshop.
- 02/2019: Shanny and I have participated in the UT-ECE Edison Lecture Series. Check out our poster on “The Power Grid”.
- 01/2019: I’m teaching a new grad-level course on “Data Analytics in Power Systems” at UT [Syllabus] [Lecture notes]
- 01/2019: Please find the teaching material (slides/notes) for my course on “Power Distribution System Analysis” that I developed in 2016.
- New manuscript (with Jianhan Emiliano, and Andrea): Dynamic Distribution State Estimation Using Synchrophasor Data
- New paper (with Hafez and Nikos): Optimal Power Flow with Step-Voltage Regulators in Multi-Phase Distribution Networks, accepted by IEEE Trans. Power Systems. Earlier conference version appeared in PSCC 2018.
- New paper (with Kaiqing, Alec, and Tamer): Projected Stochastic Primal-Dual Method for Constrained Online Learning with Kernels, accepted by IEEE Trans. Signal Processing
- New paper (with Gang Wang and Georgios Giannakis) on “Robust State Estimation from Rank-One Measurements” has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems.
- Shanny Lin and Yuqi Zhou joined UT. Welcome!