Team Biodigester:
During March, Team Biodigester troubleshooted issues with the code and electrical system. They were able to solder the system to the existing solar collector. They attempted to run tests and identified issues with the battery, then fixed the code accordingly. Lastly, they started work on a new solar collector that would be larger, to maximize solar energy collection.
Team Lighting:
In March, Team Lighting created 2 more prototypes to test in the bathrooms along the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail. At first, the prototypes were dysfunctional and would not correctly turn on and off based on the external conditions. After investigating, they found out that some solar panels were faulty, so they did not work properly. Once they fixed the prototypes, they covered the exposed wire in electrical tape and used a conduit to help make it weather and theft resistant. Unfortunately, the prototypes were stolen, so Team Lighting plans to revisit strategies to make the device theft-resistant as well as cost-effective. They are trying their best to balance these priorities to create the best possible final product.
Prototype assembled and ready for installation.
Prototype being installed by a team member in a restroom.
Lighting prototype installed and ready for public testing.
Team Pad:
During the month of march, Team Pad finalized preparing to test the pads that they had made. Two sets of pads were to be compared to each other in terms of performance and comfort. The user would not know what material belong to which group, but they would be testing both materials to compare their performance. Team Pad made announcements to gain interest pf participants and finalized packing the pads that would be used in the experiment. All pads were made following a protocol that would consider the pads safe and clean for the participants to use.