ORCID Number: 0000-0002-6729-5574
Caitlin Sulley, LMSW, is the Director of Research & Operations at UT Austin’s Steve Hicks School of Social Work’s Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor and a Field Instructor for Social Work students in the Administrative and Policy Practice track. Caitlin directs research and training initiatives focused on multidisciplinary violence response and prevention for community and college populations and trauma-informed practices for survivor engagement. She is the site Principal Investigator for a federally-funded anti-stalking initiative. Her work is published in scholarly journals, and her most recent publication is a book chapter, The Notification for Victims of Assault (NoVA): Innovating Future Practice Through a Change Process, in Sexual Assault Kits and Reforming the Response to Rape, published by Routledge in November 2022. Her approach to research and teaching is informed by her clinical expertise and restorative practices. She served survivors of sexual assault, family violence, and human trafficking in law enforcement and community-based settings. Caitlin is a committed volunteer for SAFE Alliance’s community education efforts.
Campus Sexual Assault and Misconduct
Fedina, L., Backes, B. L., Sulley, C., Wood, L., & Busch-Armendariz, N. (2019). Prevalence and sociodemographic factors associated with stalking victimization among college students. Journal of American College Health. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1583664
Sulley, C., Wood, L., Cook Heffron, L., Westbrook, L., Nale, N. L., Donde, S. D. & Busch-Armendariz, N. (2018). At least they are workin my case: Victim notification in sexual assault “cold” cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Wood, L., Sulley, C., Kammer-Kerwick, M., Follingstad, D., & Busch-Armendariz, N. (2017).Climate Surveys: An Inventory of Understanding Sexual Assault and Other Crimes of Interpersonal Violence at Institutions of Higher Education. Violence Against Women, 23(10), 1249–1267. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077801216657897
Human Trafficking
Nsonwu, M. B., Welch-Brewer, C., Cook-Heffron, L., Lemke, M., Busch-Armendariz, N. B., Sulley, C., et al (2015). Development and validation of an instrument to assess social work students’ perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes about human trafficking: an exploratory study. Research on Social Work Practice. Vol 27, Issue 5, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731515578537