Hey all!
IEEE Power and Energy Society is looking for motivated individuals to join our team for the Fall 2020 Semester! If you are interested in gaining leadership experience, lots of company exposure, and a ton of awesome insight into the world of power and energy, please fill out the form below!
The roles we’re recruiting for are as follows:
Vice President– In charge of internal events, including social planning and other extracurriculars (such as conferences)
Corporate Liaison-In charge of partnering with companies to bring speakers to our meetings and funding to the org.
Treasurer– Manages and budgets funding, tracks spending, makes purchases on behalf of the org.
Publicity Manager– In charge of correspondence with members.
Project Manager– Oversees the development of projects and outreach events within PES.
Secretary– Manages interactions with the Student Engineering Council, records events, and ensures that the IEEE PES Constitution is updated and upheld.
Please fill out the form if you are interested in any of these roles and we will get back to you soon!