Scott Schnelle’s work received 2018 IEEE Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award

The paper “A Personalizable Driver Steering Model Capable of Predicting Driver Behaviors in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Maneuvers,” published at IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Volume 47, No. 5, pp.  625-635, October 2017 by Prof. Wang’s former Ph.D. student Scott Schnelle, Prof. Wang, and collaborators Prof. Su and Prof. Jagacinski received the 2018 IEEE Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award – IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.


Siyang’s paper receives 2018 Best Paper Award in Theory in ASME Vibration Technical Committee

Siyang Song’s paper entitled “Barrier Lyapunov Function Based Control of a Flexible Link CoRobot with Safety Constraints,” co-authored with  Yu She, Prof. Junmin Wang, and Prof. Haijun Su at the ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference received the 2018 Best Paper Award in Theory in ASME Vibration Technical Committee.

Congratulations Siyang!

Prof. Wang to Give a Talk at Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Workshop

Prof. Wang will give a talk on “Personalized and intelligent efficiency and driving safety enhancements for connected and automated vehicles ” at the Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Workshop at DSCC2018-Atlanta on September 30, 2018.  The workshop features a group of speakers working on connected and automated vehicles from both academia and industry.