Keiler, K. (2023) “Ribosome Rescue. Veloxsci Publishing, Inc.”
Marathe N, Nguyen HA, Alumasa JN, Kuzmishin Nagy AB, Vazquez M, Dunham CM, Keiler KC (2023) “Antibiotic that inhibits trans-translation blocks binding of EF-Tu to tmRNA but not to tRNA” mBio.
Vazquez-Hernandez M, Leedom SL, Keiler KC, Bandow JE (2023) “Physiology of trans-translation deficiency in Bacillus subtilis–a comparative roteomics study” Proteomics 2023,2200474.
Srinivas P, Keiler KC, Dunham CM (2022) “Druggable differences: Targeting mechanistic differences between trans-translation and translation for selective antibiotic action.” Bioessays 44:e2200046.
Leedom SL, Keiler KC (2022) “Ribosome collisions: New ways to initiate ribosome rescue.” Current Biology 32:R469-R472.
Lariviere D, Wickham L, Keiler KC, Nekrutenko A, The Galaxy Team (2021) “Reproducible and accessible analysis of transposon insertion sequencing in Galaxy for qualitative essentiality analyses.” BMC Microbiology 21: 168.
Simonson AW, Mongia AS, Aronson MR, Alumasa JN, Chan DC, Lawanprasert A, Howe MD, Bolotsky A, Mal TK, George C, Ebrahimi A, Baughn AD, Proctor EA, Keiler KC, Medina SH (2021) “Pathogen-specific antibmicrobials engineered do novo through membrane-protein biomimicry.” Nature Biomedical Engineering 5:467-480.
Aron ZD, Mehrani A, Hoffer ED, Connolly KL, Srinivas P, Torhan MC, Alumasa JN, Cabrera M, Hosangadi D, Barbor JS, Cardinale SC, Kwasny SM, Morin LR, Butler MM, Opperman TJ, Bowlin TL, Jerse A, Stagg SM, Dunham CM, Keiler KC (2021) “trans-Translation inhibitors bind to a novel site on the ribosome and clear Neisseria gonorrhoeae in vivo.” Nature Communications 12:1799.
Senges CHR, Stepanek JJ, Wenzel M, Raatschen N, Ay Ü, Märtens Y, Prochnow P, Vázquez Hernández M, Yayci A, Schubert B, Janzing NBM, Warmuth HL, Kozik M, Bongard J, Alumasa JN, Albada B, Penkova M, Lukežič T, Sorto NA, Lorenz N, Miller RG, Zhu B, Benda M, Stülke J, Schäkermann S, Leichert LI, Scheinpflug K, Brötz-Oesterhelt H, Hertweck C, Shaw JT, Petković H, Brunel JM, Keiler KC, Metzler-Nolte N, Bandow JE (2020) “Comparison of proteomic responses as global approach to antibiotic mechanism of action elucidation.” Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy 65:eo1373-20.
Huang Y, Alumasa JN, Callaghan LT, Baugh RS, Rae CD, Keiler KC, McGillivray SM (2019) “A small-molecule inhibitor of trans-translation synergistically interacts with cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides to impair survival of Staphylococcus aureus.” Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy 63:e02362-18.
Simonson AW, Lawanprasert A, Goralski TDP, Keiler KC, Medina SH (2019) “Bioresponsive peptide-polysaccharide nanogels – a versatile delivery system to augment the utility of bioactive cargo.” Nanomedicine 17:391-400.
Goralski TDP, Kirimanjeswara GS, Keiler KC (2018) “A new mechanism for ribosome rescue can recruit RF1 or RF2 to nonstop ribosomes.” mBio 9:e02436-18.
Alumasa JN, Goralski TDP, Keiler KC (2017) “Tetrazole-Based trans-Translation Inhibitors Kill Bacillus anthracis Spores to Protect Host Cells.” Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy 61:e01199-17.
Alumasa JN, Manzanillo PS, Peterson ND, Lundrigan T, Baughn AD, Cox JS, Keiler KC (2017) “Ribosome Rescue Inhibitors Kill Actively Growing and Nonreplicating Persister Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cells.” ACS Infectious Diseases 3:634-644.
Dillon NA, Peterson ND, Feaga HA, Keiler KC, Baughn AD (2017) “Anti-tubercular Activity of Pyrazinamide is Independent of trans-Translation and RpsA.” Scientific Reports 7:6135.
Keiler KC, Jackson KL, Jaworski L, Lopatto D, Ades SE (2017) “Teaching broader impacts of science with undergraduate research.” PLoS Biology 15:e2001318.
Ades SE, Keiler KC (2016) “Why you should dispense with antibacterial soaps.” The Conversation Sep 14, 2016.
Tyler D. P. Goralski, Kalyan K. Dewan, John N. Alumasa, Victoria Avanzato, David E. Place, Rachel L. Markley, Bhuvana Katkere, Seham M. Rabadi, Chandra Shekhar Bakshi, Kenneth C. Keiler, Girish S. Kirimanjeswara (2016) “Inhibitors of Ribosome Rescue Arrest Growth of Francisella Tularensis At All Stages of Intracellular Replication.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, doi:10.1128/AAC.03089-15.
Feaga HA, Quickel MD, Hankey-Giblin PA, Keiler KC (2016) “Human cells require non-stop ribosome rescue activity in mitochondria.” PLoS Genetics 12: e1005964.
Alumasa JN, Keiler KC (2016) “Clicking on trans-translation drug targets.” Frontiers in Microbiology 6: 498.
Keiler KC (2015) “Mechanisms of ribosome rescue in bacteria.” Nature Reviews Microbiology 13:285-297.
El-Mowafi SA, Sineva E, Alumasa JN, Nicoloff H, Tomsho JW, Ades SE, Keiler KC (2015) “Identification of inhibitors of a bacterial sigma factor using a new high-throughput screening assay.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59: 193-205.
Feaga HA, Viollier PH, Keiler KC (2014) “Release of nonstop ribosomes is essential.” mBio 5: e01916.
El-Mowafi SA, Alumasa JN, Ades SE, Keiler KC (2014) “Cell-based assay to identify inhibitors of the Hfq-sRNA regulatory pathway.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58: 5500-5509.
Keiler KC, Feaga HA (2014) “Resolving nonstop translation complexes is a matter of life or death.” Journal of Bacteriology 196: 2123-2130.
Keiler KC, Alumasa JN (2013) “The potential of trans-translation inhibitors as antibiotics.” Future Microbiology 8: 1235-1237.
Ramadoss NS, Alumasa JN, Cheng L, Wang Y, Li S, Chambers BS, Chang H, Chatterjee AK, Brinker A, Engels IH, Keiler KC (2013) “Small molecule inhibitors of trans-translation have broad-spectrum antibiotic activity.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 110: 10282-10287.
Ramadoss NS, Zhou X, Keiler KC (2013) “tmRNA is essential in Shigella flexneri.” PLoS ONE 8: e57537.
McGillivray SM, Tran DN, Ramadoss NS, Alumasa JN, Okumura CY, Sakoulas G, Vaughn MM, Zhang DX, Keiler KC, Nizet V (2012) “Pharmacological inhibition of the ClpXP protease increases bacterial susceptibility to host cathelicidin antibmicrobial peptides and cell-envelope active antibiotics.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 56: 1854-1861.
Russell JH, Keiler KC (2012) “RNA visualization in bacteria by fluorescence in situ hybridization.” In Keiler KC (ed.) Bacterial Regulatory RNA, Springer, New York, NY. 87-95.
Keiler KC (2011) “Localization of the bacterial RNA infrastructure.” Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 722: 231-238.
Keiler KC, Ramadoss NS (2011) “Bifunctional transfer-messenger RNA.” Biochimie 93: 1993-1997.
Keiler KC (2011) “RNA localization in bacteria.” Current Opinion in Microbiology 14: 155-159.
Hughes HV, Huitema E, Pritchard S, Keiler KC, Brun YV, Viollier PH (2010) “Protein localization and dynamics within a bacterial organelle.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 107: 5599-5604.
Hayes CS, Keiler KC (2010) “Beyond ribosome rescue: tmRNA and co-translational processes.” FEBS Letters 584: 413-419.
Russell JH, Keiler KC (2009) “Subcellular localization of a bacterial regulatory RNA.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 106: 16405-16409.
Cheng L, Keiler KC (2009) “Correct timing of dnaA transcription and initiation of DNA replication requires trans-translation.” Journal of Bacteriology 191: 4268-4275.
Keiler KC (2008) “Biology of trans-translation.” Annual Review of Microbiology 62: 133-151.
Russell JH, Keiler KC (2008) “Screen for localized proteins in C. crescentus.” PLoS ONE 3: e1756.
Russell JH, Keiler KC (2007) “Peptide signals encode protein localization.” Journal of Bacteriology 189: 7581-7585.
Hong S-J, Lessner FH, Mahen EM, Keiler KC (2007) “Proteomic identification of tmRNA substrates.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A 104: 17128-17133.
Cheng L, Naumann TA, Horswill AR, Hong S-J, Venters BJ, Tomsho JW, Benkovic SJ, Keiler KC (2007) “Discovery of antibacterial cyclic peptides that inhibit the ClpXP protease.” Protein Science 16: 1535-1542.
Keiler KC (2007) “Physiology of tmRNA: what gets tagged and why?” Current Opinion in Microbiology 10: 169-175.
Lessner FH, Venters BJ, Keiler KC (2007) “Proteolytic adaptor for tmRNA-tagged proteins from α-proteobacteria.” Journal of Bacteriology 189: 272-275.
Hong S-J, Tran Q-A, Keiler KC (2005) “Cell cycle-regulated degradation of tmRNA is controlled by RNase R and SmpB.” Molecular Microbiology 57: 565-575.
Keiler KC, Shapiro L (2003) “tmRNA in Caulobacter crescentus is cell cycle regulated by temporally controlled transcription and RNA degradation.” Journal of Bacteriology 185: 1825-1830.
Keiler KC, Shapiro L (2003) “tmRNA is required for correct timing of DNA replication in Caulobacter crescentus.” Journal of Bacteriology 185: 573-580.