Building a Patient-Centered Molecular Data Fabric for Cancer Clinical Treatment Decision Support

The Kowalski lab is an interdisciplinary lab composed of students at all levels and disciplines coming together to help improve our understanding of cancer etiology and treatment through a molecular lens. We combine the study of cancer, biostatistics, and genomics to lead research in the convergent science field of cancer clinical genomics. By working together with individuals well versed in at least one of these areas, we cultivate a team approach by learning from each other to eventually become fluent in many areas leading to new breakthroughs.
Computational tools and methods have evolved over the years, but less evolved is their dissemination of results in a forum that is understood by many cancer care and researcher stakeholders. Our lab is focused on cancer computational discoveries through innovation and in developing ways to digitally disseminate their results for widespread application.
We set out to achieve these goals by cultivating a research environment that supports individual contributions to team science. As a lab, we uphold a high standard of scientific rigor and reproducibility in our results.
The lab team is led by Professor of Oncology, Jeanne Kowalski-Muegge and is located in the Health Discovery Building at the University of Texas at Austin.