Taught by the wonderful Professor Scala.
Meets T/TH 3:30 – 5 pm
This course is required for all majors and is open to everyone, not just English majors.
Description: This course serves as an overview of the most important and influential works of the British literary and linguistic tradition from its beginnings through the 20th century. The course will be conducted in both lecture and discussion format, and the goal of the course will be “coverage”—a vast majority of students’ time will be devoted to reading and annotation. The course will make an effort to give students a coherent narrative of British literature from the earliest writings in English through the major periods and transitions. It will cover important writers, genres, and styles as they characterize those literary periods. This course will aim to provide the foundation for future study in English literature by enabling students to contextualize and relate to each other the specific upper-division classes in which they enroll.
Required Texts: Two-volume Norton Anthology of British Literature: Major Authors, packaged with Norton Critical Edition of Pride and Prejudice; Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, Annotated; Alfred Hitchcock, dir. Vertigo.
Come sign up in the LAH Office!