Wednesday January 27, Thursday January 28; 7pm-10pm
CLA 0.102 (Jan. 27), PAR 1 (Jan. 28)
Foot in the Door Theatre is a student-run theatre troupe sponsored by Liberal Arts Honors. We perform one to three plays each semester and sometimes sponsor projects during the summer as well. Auditions are open to all students.
The plays for Spring 2016:
The Bakkhai by Euripides, translated by Ann Carson
Directed by Imogen Sealy, assistant directed by Haley Williams
Tentative performance dates: April 8, 9, 10, 15, 16
Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni
Directed by Brenna Larkin, assistant directed by Jessica Starich
Tentative performance dates: April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23
Auditions for these two productions will take place on Wednesday January 27 and Thursday January 28 from 7pm-10pm. They will be held in CLA 0.102 on Wednesday (Jan. 27) and in PAR 1 on Thursday (Jan. 28).
If you are interested in acting, tech, or have any other interest in our organization at all, come see us at auditions!
Auditions consist of cold readings from the plays, so you don’t have to prepare any outside material. Bring yourself, bring some friends, bring a pen/pencil, and come ready to play. You only need to come to one night to be considered, but coming to both doesn’t hurt!
Join our Facebook event at for any possible room or time changes.