Daily Archives: January 26, 2016

Wise Wanderer Scholarship

“The great men of antiquity considered that there was no better school for life than travel: in this school one learns endlessly about so many other lives; again and again one reads a new lesson in this great book of the world. Besides, the change of air benefits body and mind.” – Louis de Jaucourt, “Voyage,” Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonneé des sciences, des arts et des métiers, vol 17. Paris 1765.

In a lecture, Marshall Gorges provided first year LAHers with the following advice: “Give yourself time to get off the rail; Don’t rush; Be willing to explore; Break from the script.” As he described his own travels across the globe, he observed “Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing.”

In the spirit of adventure and education, the Wise Wanderer Scholarship will award one student $5,000 for the summer of 2016 to travel, exploring personal or academic interests.

Eligibility: Current Liberal Arts Honors students who will not be graduating in May 2016.

Application: Submit your 500 – 750 word travel proposal outlining a well thought out description of your journey and its goals. Attach a detailed itinerary and a budget. Make sure the budget allow for travel to and within the country (or countries!), accommodations, food, and entrance fees for attractions. Wise wandering travel must be completed by August 2016, so only apply for a journey you intend to take.

Requirements: The successful application must meet a few expectations:

1 – Travel must be outside of the United States.

2 – Your journey should cover a significant amount of time – at least three weeks – with an itinerary you can reasonably complete over the course of a summer.

3 – The budget should include costs only for yourself. Scholarship money cannot be used to cover airfare, accommodations, or food for any travel companions.

Applications are due in the LAH office by Friday, February 12, 2016.


Wednesday January 27, Thursday January 28; 7pm-10pm

CLA 0.102 (Jan. 27), PAR 1 (Jan. 28)

Foot in the Door Theatre is a student-run theatre troupe sponsored by Liberal Arts Honors.  We perform one to three plays each semester and sometimes sponsor projects during the summer as well.  Auditions are open to all students.

The plays for Spring 2016:

The Bakkhai by Euripides, translated by Ann Carson

Directed by Imogen Sealy, assistant directed by Haley Williams

Tentative performance dates: April 8, 9, 10, 15, 16

Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni

Directed by Brenna Larkin, assistant directed by Jessica Starich

Tentative performance dates: April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23

Auditions for these two productions will take place on Wednesday January 27 and Thursday January 28 from 7pm-10pm.  They will be held in CLA 0.102 on Wednesday (Jan. 27) and in PAR 1 on Thursday (Jan. 28).

If you are interested in acting, tech, or have any other interest in our organization at all, come see us at auditions!

Auditions consist of cold readings from the plays, so you don’t have to prepare any outside material.  Bring yourself, bring some friends, bring a pen/pencil, and come ready to play.  You only need to come to one night to be considered, but coming to both doesn’t hurt!

Join our Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/593868540760294/ for any possible room or time changes.