YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY to the 2019 NEW Leadership™ Texas program!
If you are interested in having a greater representation of women in elected office and/or are considering a career in politics, policymaking, or public service, you should apply to this weeklong residential summer institute.
NEW Leadership™ Texas is a national non-partisan program developed to address the underrepresentation of women in American politics. NEW Leadership™ Texas educates college women about the important role that politics plays in their lives and encourages them to become effective leaders in the political arena.
Who should apply?
▪ Undergraduate women enrolled in any Texas college or university for 2018-2019, or are graduating in May 2019;
▪ Texas residents attending out-of-state schools;
▪ All majors are welcome;
▪ Women of color and non-traditional students are encouraged to apply.
Whether or not you think you want to run for elected office, if you would like to create positive change in your community, YOU SHOULD APPLY!
Approximately 35 undergraduates representing a variety of universities, majors, class years, ethnicities, geographic locations, economic, and personal backgrounds will be selected to participate.
The application deadline is March 20, 2019.
No cost to YOU!
There is no direct cost to students. All program materials, meals, and lodging are provided. However, as part of the application process, you will be required to request $500 from your school for the program fee. Thanks to our generous donors, we do have a limited number of scholarships available for students who are unable to obtain funding from their schools.
For more information, please visit the NEW Leadership™ Texas webpage .