Explore Law | Summer 2022 Application Still Open

This summer’s Explore Law are still open. Explore Law’s goal is to increase the numbers of high-priority undergraduate students from the University of Texas at Austin, Huston-Tillotson University, and Austin Community College who apply to and are accepted into law school. Over the last seven years, we’ve had over one hundred students complete the program, and over 95% of them are presently on a path to and through law school.


The cornerstone of the program is the four-week summer program. This summer the program will run 18 July to 12 August. Participants who complete the program earn a stipend of $1,500.00. We are currently planning to meet in person.


Applications are now due Wednesday, 20 April, 11:59P Central. Students can find details about the remaining virtual info sessions on the website and can contact Eric Dieter at ericdieter@austin.utexas.edu