Daily Archives: November 1, 2023

Strive Grad Prep Academy (Fall 2023)

The Longhorn Center for Academic Equity is hosting events this fall as part of its Strive Grad Prep Academy. Events are open to any and all undergraduates making plans for postgraduate studies, including law school, medical school, and graduate school.

For event details, resources, and service details, click here!

Digital Humanities Apprenticeships

IDH Research Apprenticeships are mixed level, undergraduate and graduate, research experiences that include opportunities to work on faculty and staff-led digital humanities projects at UT for credit and a small stipend ($250 for each undergraduate student and $500 for each graduate student). Faculty and staff sponsors can support one undergraduate student and one graduate student.

The Spring 2024 topic will be “Digital Humanities and Social Justice Archives.”

For more program information, topic details, and to apply, click here!