Daily Archives: February 19, 2025

Teach English Abroad!

Interested in teaching English as a foreign language in Barcelona?

Become course certified by an accredited 160-hour program and travel across the globe to help ready-and-willing students learn English!

More information about this program can be found here. Also, check out the program brochure linked here.

Program Assistant- Global Customized Programs

Please send 1) completed application document (attached here), 2) resume, and 3) cover letter to gpi@austin.utexas.edu with subject line – Program Assistant Application – by Monday, March 3, 2025 at 9:00am. Only applications with all three documents included will be considered.


  • Position Duration: May 19 – August 10, 2025
  • Weekly Hours: 20 or 30 hours/week
  • Compensation: $14-16/hour (depending on year)
  • Responsibilities detailed in attached Job Description (linked here)
  • This position is short-term, in-person, and time-intensive. Please consider other academic responsibilities and commitments when applying.

LEAD Week 2025

Texas Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) in the Office of the Dean of Students is excited to announce LEAD Week 2025! LEAD Week is made up of a series of events and leadership workshops that encourage students to explore their leader identity and further develop their leadership skills to enact positive change in their communities.

LEAD Week (February 24 – 28) consists of a series of events and skill-building workshops to support you in your leadership development journey. You are encouraged to attend these hands-on, engaging programs to develop your leader identity and to explore ways you can make a positive impact on-campus and beyond.

LEAD Week Workshops: Are you interested in attending hands-on, leadership skill-based workshops to grow as a leader? Check out all our team has to offer and sign up for the session(s) that work best for you. Link to sign up available here!

LEAD Week Events: Drop by any of the LEAD Week events and leave with tangible strategies to continue developing as a leader here on campus. Follow @utdeanofstudents on Instagram to learn more about LEAD Week events.

Fall 2025 Education Abroad Scholarships

The following scholarship applications for Fall 2025 are live and accepting applications on LASSO. Please visit their respective links to find more information regarding eligibility, the application process, and more!

The deadline to apply for each of these awards is April 1st, 11:59PM on LASSO. We will also host our Education Abroad Fall 2025 Scholarship Presentation on February 20, 2025, at 1 pm. Students can register for the event on Qualtrics (linked here). The presentation will be recorded and emailed to everyone who RSVPed.

Paid HRC Internships

The Harry Ransom Center is recruiting paid undergraduate interns for the 2025-2026 academic year!

Ransom Center internships are designed to provide hands-on experiences in the nature and operation of an internationally recognized humanities research library and museum. The experience gained by interns will benefit them in their own research, in graduate studies, and in future career pathways in fields like librarianship, museum studies, archival or curatorial work, as well as public affairs, marketing, public programming, and event management. Our ideal candidates come from a wide range of experiences, have a desire for learning and mentorship, and a passion for the work done at the Ransom Center.

More information about the program and departmental openings for 2025-2026 can be found on our website, and applications should be submitted through Handshake.

UT Co-op Mitchell Award

Each spring, with the generous support of the University Co-op, UT recognizes undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. Four will receive awards of $5,000, and two students will receive the top award of $7,000.

The application and all supporting materials, including a faculty recommendation, must be received by Wednesday, March 26th.

Applicants must be either a junior or senior currently enrolled at UT or a UT graduate who received their undergraduate degree in December 2024. Students must demonstrate superior scholarly or creative achievement through a notable paper or thesis, research project, creative or artistic endeavor, or other product of their academic work. Submitted work should be finished or almost finished (e.g. a complete draft of a thesis or research paper). Previous Mitchell Award recipients are eligible only if the submitted work is a completely different project.

Students can complete their applications via Interfolio. More information about the process can be found by clicking the link here!