On Monday, October 15th at 7 p.m., the Joynes Reading Room will host a reading and Q&A with visiting novelist Leni Zumas. Based in Portland, Zumas is the author of Red Clocks, which was a New York Times Editor’s Choice, a Time Magazine Best Book of 2018, and an Amazon Book of the Month, among other accolades. “This provocative exploration of female longing, frustration and determination couldn’t be more timely, yet there’s nothing fleeting about it,” wrote critic Ron Charles in the Washington Post. The Joynes Reading Room has purchased several copies of Red Clocks, as well as some of her previous books, which will be given away on a first-come basis to students who inquire in person at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007). Call 512-471-5787 or write to matt.valentine@austin.utexas.edu for more information.