Archaeology Summer Field School Info Sessions – Belize & Portugal

If interested in spending part of your summer getting hands-on field experience in archaeology, the Department of Anthropology will be offering two amazing opportunities in Summer 2019. The Programme for Belize Archaeological Project focuses on Maya archaeology near the Belizean borders of Guatemala and Mexico while the the Bagunte Project analyzes material from the Late Bronze Age to the Roman colonization of a coastal site in northern Portugal. Interested students are strongly encouraged to attend one of the following info sessions:

Belize Info Sessions

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 4-5pm, SAC 4.174

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4-5pm, SAC. 4.174

Portugal Info Sessions

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 5-6pm, SAC 4.174

Monday Oct. 15, 6-7 pm, SAC 4.174

Wednesday Nov. 7, 6-7 pm, SAC 4.174

Monday Nov. 12, 5-6 pm, SAC 5.118

You can find more info about the Belize and Portugal summer archaeology programs online but these sites are still pending some updates for the coming year (program dates, application links, etc). If unable to attend the info sessions, students can contact me with questions or reach out directly to Dr. Fred Valdez (Belize) or Dr. Mariah Wade (Portugal).