Category Archives: Honors

LAH Mentors Needed!

Hello LAHers! As this year is coming to an end we are sending out the mentor applications for next year’s incoming LAH cohort. Becoming a mentor not only looks really great on your resume but also fulfills the leadership requirement to graduate as a distinguished LAH Scholar. There will be awards given out at the yearly banquet for outstanding mentors and other fun events and potential incentives for mentors who consistently meet with their mentees. There are no specific length requirements on the application (1-3 sentences is fine), the questions are just aiming to try to get enough information about mentors so we can best match you with someone compatible.

Interested in becoming a mentor for the 2024-2025 academic year? Click the link here to apply!

LAH & Humanities Discord

Say goodbye to Slack and welcome… the LAH & HUMANITIES DISCORD!

The LAH & Humanities Discord is created for students to congregate and connect through a virtual community. There are subchannels within the Discord dedicated to job opportunities, socials, advice, LAH/Humanities Student Councils, and a general subsection for chatting with others. We will be adding other channels throughout the year upon request, so let Kara Burks or Kayla Sorge (both administrators for the server) know if there is a group you want to see created! Thanks and Hook ‘Em! :)

Join the LAH & Humanities Discord Server via the link here.

First-Gen Grad Stoles available in SSB 3.200 while supplies last!

The First-Gen Signature Events Sub-Committee contacted all first-gen students this March who were flagged as likely to graduate this spring/summer to invite them to First-Gen Grad! Students were given the ability to RSVP for the celebration and were given information about how to pick up First-Gen stoles.

The RSVP has since closed, due to max capacity being reached in the San Jacinto Multipurpose Room; however, students who would like to participate will still be able to participate via live-stream on our website, on May 18th at 2pm.

There are still 400 stoles that have gone unclaimed and are still available in SSB 3.200 to seniors on a first-come, first-served basis. The space is open Monday-Friday this week from 8-5. Stop by and grab your stole, free of charge, before they run out!

Roy Crane Award for Outstanding Achievement in Visual Arts 2022

Deadline: May 5, 2022  


The Roy Crane Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts is given each year to a student of The University of Texas at Austin for unique, creative effort in the performing, literary and visual arts.  

In 2022, the award(s) will be given in the area of visual arts. Any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate student from any major or area of study may compete for the award. Students graduating in May 2022 are ineligible to apply. 

The selection committee will give no weight to any entrant’s grade point average or other academic achievements. Awards range between $1,000 and $4,500. 


To compete for the award, a student must submit the following:  

·         Online application form through Interfolio 

·         Digital portfolio requirement – include all work and information in one PDF document.  

Use a separate page for each image and join all pages into a single document. Each image/page must include the following information: 

o    Artist Name 

o    Title 

o    Date 

o    Materials 

o    Size (H x W x D) 

Other information: If image is a video still, you may include a link to an excerpt of the video. All video works should be no more than 3 minutes total.  

·         You may submit no more than 15 images of up to 10 artworks 


Work submitted must represent creative achievement while enrolled at UT Austin. Research or analysis does not qualify. 

Contact if you have any questions. 

Liberal Arts Honors Cords, pins and Medallions

Honors Day cords and medallions

Based on GPA and eligibility criteria, students are invited to participate in the University Honors Day ceremony. This year the ceremony is April 9, 2022. In the past, we have had cords and/or medallions available to students who were not able to attend the University ceremony. Our office has been transitioning Honors Day cords etc.. to the CoLA Student Division in GEB 2.200, but we might receive some cords to have on hand to give to students who may have missed the April 9th ceremony. The cords are a variation of Orange and White (the pattern differs from year to year, so it’s important to know which year the student qualified for cords), the medallions have the year stamped on them.

Students who are listed as College Scholars receive the Honors Day (orange/white) cords. Students listed as Distinguished College Scholars receive cords and a medallion.

Liberal Arts Honors (College Honors) Cords- Teal and white 

These cords are for students who are graduating with College Honors (aka Liberal Arts Honors and have taken 3 upper-division LAH classes received at least 2 A-s and 1 B and have a 3.5 or higher GPA).College Honors is reflected on a student’s transcript


Liberal Arts Honors Scholars- Pins

These pins are for students who were admitted to the LAH program as first year students and have completed the LAH cohort classes, one upper-division LAH class with experiential learning, academic enrichment, and capstone and have at least a 3.25 upon graduation.  This is an internal designation and is not reflected on a student’s transcript.

Liberal Arts Honors Distinguished Scholars-Medallions and (College Honors) Cords 

These medallions and cords are for students who were admitted to the LAH program as first year students and have completed the LAH cohort classes, three upper-division LAH classes, experiential learningacademic enrichment, and capstone and have at least a 3.5 GPA upon graduation. This is an internal designation and not reflected on a student’s transcript, but College Honors will be indicated on the transcript.


Humanities majors get red and white cords, and they will be distributed at the thesis symposium.

2022 Hertog Fellowships

The Hertog Foundation offers highly competitive fellowships to outstanding students at universities across the world. We are pleased to open applications for our 2022 fellowships.

Hertog applicants are academically accomplished with interests in politics, public policy, and the liberal arts. For our 2021 cohort, we received over 1,000 applications and admitted 234 fellows. The average GPA of ourapplicants was 3.7. Our fellows major across the curriculum, with concentrations in the humanities, the social sciences, and STEM.

  • Humanities at Hertog – Study a great literary work over winter break with four online seminars on Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Achebe, and Tom Wolfe.
  • Our flagship Political Studies Program is our most competitive program, bringing together 36 outstanding students for a six-week course of study in the theory and practice of politics. 
  • Students can explore key constitutional debates in a one-week residential seminar taught by Yale Law professor Akhil Reed Amar on his new book The Words That Made Us.
  • For students with internships and other obligations, our online Summer Courses are ideal. Sessions are held in the evenings each week to allow students to meet other commitments.

Learn more at

LAH Unpaid Internship Stipend

If you are doing an unpaid internship over the summer, you may apply to receive a stipend to help with your cost of living.  Priority will be given to students with internships that are at least 20 hours per week that last for five weeks or longer during the summer. 

Please submit your application through the College of Liberal Arts scholarship portal. 

Applications are due May 7, 2021.