Welcome to the Digital Scholarship in the Americas Speaker Series archive. The speaker series features scholars who are engaging digital lenses to innovate scholarship and teaching on Latin American, U.S. Latinx, African Diaspora, and Indigenous Studies. Below is a list of the speaker series events offered in the past by the LLILAS Benson Digital Scholarship Office. Be on the lookout for any upcoming events in our main “Programming” page!
Strategic Datafication and Feminicide in Latin America
Characterizing Urban Change from Visual Analytics of Street-Level Imagery
From Almanacs to Rhizomes: Caribbean Lives in Code(s) of Relation
Rediscovering Fray Andres de San Miguel’s 17th-Century Manuscript through 3D Printing
Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) and Protecting Haitian Patrimony Initiative
The Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo Digital Archive: Historical Memory and Guatemala’s Disappeared
(Digital) Methodology of the Oppressed: Decolonial Theory & US Latina/o Digital Humanities
Anti-Mexican American Violence Under the Digital Lens
Crowdsourcing or Collaboration?: Using Digital Tools to Promote Interdisciplinary Work
The Hidden Patterns of Latin American Baroque Art