Intervention and/or Curriculum
Here with Healing: together we want our participants to improve on their mental well-being. Our interventions are geared to reduce anxiety, and depression and to let go of the negativity to calm your mind and body.
Cre-Art Curriculum
- To promote resilience, social and community connectedness, and healing for individuals that are considered high risk of using any substance. By using art, it helps focus your mind, and being able to express yourself. It is a positive alternative. The art that is planned allows the youth to express their feelings and emotions helping and engaging all participants to participate in the creation of the piece they are painting or drawing. The Art partners focus on areas that are affecting the youth, such as the time of the Walmart shooting, they related the art to what they were feeling at the time of the event. The Art will also be facilitating and teaching the art of pottery in the future, youth will be painting on small terra-cotta tile. Each session is 1 ½ hour long for 3-weeks. Every 3 weeks participants change.
- Locations: Implemented with JPD (Detention Center on 6400 Delta in El Paso and if we are working with the probation/community side we are at different recreation centers or a meeting facility at the Detention Center.) Rural area or colonia of El Paso San Eli Familia’s Triunfadoras, and Ayuda.
Community Yoga, Meditation, Stress Relieve Classes
- To promote resilience, social and community connectedness, and healing for individuals that are considered high risk of substance misuse. By using yoga and meditation it will help with focusing the mind and lowering stress levels. It will improve the well-being of the individuals. Each session is 1 hour in length once a week. We try to keep the participants a minimum of 3 weeks or if need be, until the referral is resolved. Most participants want to stay longer, and we accommodate for those who are benefiting from IHCP.
- Locations: Implement yoga with Nevarez Palms rural area of El Paso, La Fe clinic for underserved population, and Socorro Ramirez Community Center in a rural area of El Paso.
- Location: Implement meditation at men and women’s residential treatment center.
Keeping My Family Safe Curriculum
- Curriculum is a 4-part module: Module 1- Introduction to Border Violence, Module 2- The Impact of Border Violence, Module 3- Assessing Community needs, Module 4- Disaster Planning. This curriculum is used to help provide the community with important information on educating families about pertinent health and safety issues, and making referrals to health and social services, so the community is supported and improved in its health and success. By addressing the issue on border violence, which greatly challenges the safety of families and communities along the border. We can break it down several ways from once per week 2-hour session to 1 day 8-hour session. That is how the CHW program with Familias Triunfadoras, a non-profit that works with Community Health Workers (CHW)/Promotoras, prefers to do it and it is held at the University/UTEP.
- Locations: UTEP, Ayuda in Socorro and La Fe Clinic in rural area of El Paso and population is any family that may be in need of the service or referred by our partners.
- 6 to 17, 18 to 25, Parents/caregivers (if participants are in need of parenting or family support we have partnerships that we refer the families to parenting classes that serve our targeted population age groups, and Keeping my Family Safe curriculum is offered to those parents that are going through stressors, or are wanting to find out more about what drug trends are in the communities, and/or simply getting information on keeping safe.)
Population Served
- Rural, high poverty, low education attainment, uninsured, Spanish-speaking people of color
FY24 Q1
- Persons involved in child welfare system
- Rural populations
FY24 Q2
- Persons experiencing homelessness
- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Question (LGBTQ+)
- Persons involved in the justice system
- Persons involved in child welfare system
- Rural populations
FY24 Q3
- Pregnant women and women with dependent children
- Persons experiencing homelessness
- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Question (LGBTQ+)
- Persons involved in the justice system
- Persons involved in child welfare system
- Rural populations
- Other – Tribal
City or County Served: El Paso County
Region: Region 10