General Strategies For Solving Homelessness
- Home, Together: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
- Continuums of Care (CoC)
- Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care
Coordinated Assessment/Intake
In a (CoC) Continuum of Care, a coordinated assessment/intake is a single shared screening tool that is used to determine a person’s eligibility for programs across the CoC. The assessment then serves as a single front door to multiple programs.
Housing First Model
In a housing first model, permanent housing is prioritized in the recovery process. Individuals and families are given housing with little to no preconditions.
- Housing First: Principles Into Practice – Animated Overview
- Housing First Checklist
- Housing First Fact Sheet
Types of Housing Programs included in HCC
- Permanent Supportive Housing: Permanent Supportive Housing offers access to flexible at will long term cause management and long term housing support which is not tied to services. Learn more.
- Rapid Re-Housing: Rapid rehousing emphases helping households quickly obtain permanent housing by providing relatively short term support. Learn more.
- Affordable Housing: Housing which a household can afford to pay without outside subsidies. Learn more.
- Senate Bill 58: Authorized the funding and guidelines for the creation of five Healthy Community Collaboratives across the state.
- H.B. No. 2702 (Sandra Bland Act): Authorized the creation of Healthy Community Collaborative to rural areas.