Skills for Expanding Expertise in Peer Support (SEEPS) was developed as part of a NIDLRR-funded research project led in partnership with Portland State University. SEEPS is a theory, set of skills, tools and comprehensive trainings for young adult Peer Support Specialists and supervisors working in Early Psychosis programs.
We developed and virtually delivered comprehensive group trainings twice, to separate groups of Peer Support Specialists and supervisors located across the US. The “skills” component of the project was created based on a Theory of Change shaped by the participation of young adult Peer Support Specialists, supervisors, and peer support recipients.
SEEPS Key Skills for Peer Support Specialists
- Understanding and describing the Peer Support Specialist role
- Being a peer, being genuine and drawing on personal experience
- Providing empathy and validation
- Drawing out participants’ preferences, perspectives and ideas (supporting participants’ point of view)
- Supporting personal agency and empowerment
- Supporting motivation and activity
View the full list of Peer Support Specialist skills and related challenges identified from this project in detail
Reflecting on identity within peer support relationships: Identity wheels are tools for better understanding PSS and supervisor strengths in sharing and relating through identity, and where there is opportunity for growth.
Personal & Social Identity Wheels

SEEPS Reflective Tool for Peer Support & Supervision
Project Publications
Walker, J., Klodnick, V.V., LaPelusa, B. et al. (2024). A theory of change for one-on-one peer support for older adolescents and young adults, Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 157, 107386.