Senior Program Coordinator
“I truly believe in the power of people and I find joy in giving back to others. I hope my work can be a reflection of my love for children and perhaps it can impact just one person’s life positively.”
-Holly Gursslin
Office: HP 310 | Phone: (512) 232-8219 | Email:
My name is Holly Gursslin Beseda and I am a Child Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator for the South Southwest MHTTC. My work focuses on children and youth mental health needs across region 6. I joined the Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health (TIEMH) in 2016 and continue to love the motivating atmosphere of dedicated colleagues working to better the lives of others.
I earned my Master’s in Counseling Guidance and Education from the University of Hawaii at Mañoa and have over 12 years of experience in the mental health field. I’ve worked in the direct therapy, academic, and non-governmental settings to support child and youth mental health. My research interests and training have taken me from New York, to Hawaii, to Europe, to rural North Carolina and then landing in Texas. Additional professional interests include mental health service systems for children and families, early childhood development and neuroscience, strategic planning, and facilitating connection. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor Clinical Supervisor (LPC-S) by trade and enjoy volunteering for a local state infant mental health association chapter working to bring early childhood professionals together to elevate the workforce through quality professional development. I am a life learner and hope to integrate a trauma-informed, equity lens in my work and relationships.
Child Training and TA Coordinator: SSWHTTC
Early Childhood State Development Coordinator: Project THRIVE