Johnson, R.P., LaPelusa, B., Schneider, A., Klodnick, V.V. et al. (2024) Career Opportunity Readiness Experience Workshop Facilitation Guide.
Husbands, E., LaPelusa, B., Klodnick, V.V., Cannabis & Psychosis: Facts (2023).
Johnson, R., Crowe, A., Schneider, A., & Klodnick, V.V. Early Intervention in Psychosis Demonstration in Illinois – 4 Year Project Recap. Thresholds Youth & Young Adult Services.
Barba, A., Klodnick, V. V., Munson, M. R., LaPelusa, B., Johnson, R. P. Bridging the Gap Peer Kit for Agencies Employing Young Adults in Peer Roles. Jewish Board of New York.
Johnson, R. P., LaPelusa, B., Schneider, A., Klodnick, V. V. et al. Career Opportunity Readiness Experience Operations Manual.
Johnson, R. P., Schneider, A., LaPelusa, B., & Klodnick, V. V. (2022). Virtual Best-Practice Guide for Youth & Young Adult Community Mental Health Providers (Version 2).
- France, K., Fagan, M., Klodnick, V. V., Solomita, J., & Clark, H. B. TIP Model® Funding Brief Report: Funding Mechanisms and Partnerships that Provider Agencies can use to Establish or Expand a Transition to Independence Process for Youth and Young Adults. Stars Behavioral Health Group: Long Beach, CA.
- Johnson, R., Crowe, A., Schneider, A., & Klodnick, V.V. Early Intervention in Psychosis Demonstration in Illinois – 4 Year Project Recap. Thresholds Youth & Young Adult Services.
- Klodnick, V. V., & Gold, A. (2021). Organizational Young Adult Peer Mentor Readiness Assessment Tool. Children’s Behavioral Health Knowledge Center, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
Johnson, R. P., Tolar, B., Brdecka, L. E., & Klodnick, V. V. (2020). Cognitive Training Staff User Guide (Version 2). Thresholds, Chicago, IL.
- Cohen, D., Klodnick, V. V., Stevens, L., Emmerson, K., & Neumann, N. (2020). Developmentally-Tailored Services for Transition-Age Youth with Serious Mental Health Challenges in Texas: A Guide for Providers. (Version 1). The University of Texas, Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health.
- Johnson, R., Klodnick, V.V., Malina, C., & Zeidner, E. Early intervention in psychosis education handouts for youth, families, & practitioners. Thresholds Youth & Young Adult Services, Chicago, IL.
- Klodnick, V. V., Sabella, K., & Mizrahi, R. (2019). Youth Peer Support Worker TIP Sheet. New Mexico Healthy Transitions & UMASS Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research.
- Sabella, K., & Klodnick, V. V. (2019). Implementation Report for New Mexico’s Youth Peer Support Worker Imitative, 2018-2019: Summary of Technical Assistance Needs and Questions. UMASS Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research.
- Clark, H. B., Fagan, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (2019). TIP Solutions Review (TSR) Protocol. Stars Behavioral Health Group, Long Beach, CA.
- Klodnick, V.V. Effective Supervision for Young Adult Peer Mentors: A Guidebook (Version 2). University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions Research & Training Center in partnership with Department of Mental Health SAMHSA-funded STAY Project.
- Klodnick, V. V., Mullen, M., Johnson, R., Stone, B., Banko, A. (2018). Helping Youth on the Path to Employment (HYPE) Model Fidelity Scale (Version 1). University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions Research & Training Center in Partnership with Rutgers University, Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation & Counseling Professions.
- Klodnick, V. V. (2018). Transition-Age Youth Quality of Life Scale. Thresholds & The University of Texas, Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health
- Klodnick, V. V., Mullen, M., Johnson, R., Stone, B., Banko, A. The “Helping Youth on the Path to Employment” (HYPE) Model Fidelity Scale (version1). University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research
- Delman, J., & Klodnick, V.V. Supporting the Success of Young Adult Peer Recovery Workers: A Toolkit for Employers. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions Research & Training Center.
- Klodnick, V. V. (2016). CORE Job Readiness Assessment. Thresholds. Chicago, IL.
- Cohen, D.A., Lopez, M.A., Klodnick, V. V., & Stevens, L. (August). A Guided Pathway to Success: Addressing the Needs of Youth and Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions in Texas. Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health. School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Fagan, M., Davis, M., Denietolis, B.M., & Sondheimer, D.L. Innovative Residential Interventions for young adults in transition. In G.M. Blau, B. Caldwell, & R.E. Liberman (Eds.), Residential Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Families: A Best Practice Guide. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
- Vorhies, V., Sabella, K., Fagan, M., Ellison, M. & Davis, M. (2014). Making it Work: Vocational Peer Mentors for Emerging Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions. Worcester, MA: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Systems and Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC), Transitions Research and Training Center.
- Klodnick, V.V., Murphy, C., & Fagan, M. Building a Developmentally Tailored Mental Health Program for Transition Age Youth Success. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association – PsyR Connection, Issue 1.
- Courtney, M., E. Dworsky, A., Brown, A., Cary, C., Love, K, & Vorhies, V. Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth: Outcomes at Age 26. Chapin Hall, The University of Chicago.
- Dworsky, A., & Vorhies, V. LGBT Foster Care Youth in the Midwest Study. Submitted to Bryan Samuels, Commissioner, The Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services. Chapin Hall, University of Chicago.