Cohen, D. A., Klodnick, V. V., Merola, L. S. Texas Is Doing What?! (Oct). Introducing the Amplify Model: Where Australia’s Headspace Meets US Collaborative Care to Meet Young Adult Mental Health. American Psychiatric Association Mental Health Services Conference. Washington, DC.
Myers, N. L., Lucksted, A., Cohen, D. A., & Klodnick, V. V. (July). The Shifting Landscape of Cannabis Use and Early Psychosis: Challenges and Approaches for Youth Involved with Coordinated Specialty Care Teams. Paper presenter: Cannabis as Helpful? Cannabis as Harmful? Conflicting Cannabis Use Perspectives for Diverse Youth in Texas. International Early Intervention in Mental Health (IEPA 14) Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Cohen, D. A., Klodnick, V. V., Merola, S., & Fagan. M. A. (May). Now is the Time to Rethink Adolescent & Young Adult Community Mental Health Care. American Psychiatric Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Walker, J., LaPelusa, B., Hermsen-Kritz, M., Johnson, R., & Klodnick, V.V. (May). Using Young Adult Perspectives to Clarify Key Peer Support Activities, Skills & Challenges. System of Care (SOC) Summit, National Training & Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC).
Slacum Jones, K., Johnson, R.P. & Crowe, A. (Sept.). From Growing a CQI Dream Team to Harvesting QI Seeds Across Multiple Programs. 2022 CQI Conference: “Nurturing Your CQI Garden,” Urbana-Champaign, IL
Johnson, R.P., Klodnick, V.V., Slacum Jones, K., Crowe, A., Schneider, A., Musacchio, G., & LaPelusa, B. (Sept) Build a Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Dream Team at your Organization! If we can do it, so can you! 2022 TCOM Conference, “Managing Change and All That Jazz,” New Orleans, LA.
Klodnick, V. V., Cohen, D. A., & Fagan, M. A. (Sept). Obligatory social support exchanges & relational reciprocity among young people with serious mental health needs living in poverty. International Association of Youth Mental Health Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cohen, D. A., Klodnick, V. V., & Fagan, M. A. (Sept). Virtual best-practice & policies in youth multidisciplinary community mental health teams. International Association of Youth Mental Health Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cohen, D. A., Klodnick, V. V., Stevens, L., Johnson, R., & Jones, N. (Aug). Let’s Actually Listen to Young People & Service Providers: Reforming Adolescent & Young Adult Community Mental Health Care. National Institute of Mental Health, Annual Mental Health Services Research Conference. Virtual.
Klodnick, V. V., Cohen, D. A., & Fagan, M. A. (March). Applying Discovery-Oriented Care to Engage Young Adults with Serious Mood & Anxiety Disorders in Multidisciplinary Mental Health Treatment. Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference. Denver, CO.
Fagan, M. A., & Klodnick, V. V. Discovery-Oriented Services for Young Adults with Mental Health Needs. (Nov). Illinois Statewide Transition Conference. Peoria, IL.
O’Donnell, H., Fagan, M., & Klodnick, V. V. (April). Learning from Illinois: Passing a Private Insurance Mandate for Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis. Annual National Council on Behavioral Health. Austin, TX. (Unable to present due to COVID-19).
Johnson, R., Klodnick, V. V., & Fagan, M. (April). Balancing Risk with a Safety Net: How Transitional Living Programs Fare with Homeless Youth with Serious Mental Health Conditions. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL. (Unable to present due to COVID-19).
Cohen, D., Klodnick, V. V., Londono, T., Emmerson, K., Stevens, L., & Fagan, M. (March). Five-Year Update: Results from a Research-Provider Partnership to Better Engage and Retain Transition-Age Youth in Mental Health Services. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL. (Unable to present due to COVID-19).
Klodnick, V. V. (January). Unpacking Ghosting among Transition Age Youth Diagnosed with Serious Mental Health Conditions in Community-Based Multidisciplinary Services. Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Cohen, D.A., Klodnick, V. V., Londono, T. (January). Aging out of Child Mental Health into Adult Mental Health Services: Missed Opportunities for Engagement. Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Klodnick, V. V., Johnson, R., Slacum-Jones, K., Gomez, S., Brenits, A. (October). Build a Multidisciplinary CQI Dream Team at your Org! If we can do it, so can you! Annual Continuous Quality Improvement Conference. University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana.
Martin, C.A., Miller, J., Poe, B., Nash, K.C., & Klodnick, V. (October). Peer Support/Mentors Impacting Substance Use & Mental Health Care in Adolescents & Young Adults. Annual American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Conference. Chicago, IL
Fagan, M., & Klodnick, V. V. (March). Building the Case for Young Adult-Specific Programs: Maximizing Dollars & Making Sense. Annual National Council on Behavioral Health. Nashville, TN. https://natcon2019-natcon.ipostersessions.com/default.aspx?s=74-83-18-3C-8E-BB-22-7D-93-8B-77-4B-AA-1C-27-24&guestview=true
Klodnick, V. V., Schwank, A., Johnson, R. P., & Fagan, M. (March). Unpacking Transition-Age Youth & Young Adult Multidisciplinary Service Engagement: Examining the Relationship between Social Support and Service Enrollment Length. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Fagan, M., Klodnick, V. V., Fetzer, P., & Clark, H. B. (March). Increasing Engagement and Improving Outcomes in Early Psychosis programs by Integrating Transition-Age Youth Best Practices: A Solution-Focused Discussion. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Londoño, T., Cohen, D., & Klodnick, V. A Catch 22? (March). The Real Experience of Aging into Adult Community Mental Health Services. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Jones, N., DuBrul, S., Allen, S., Klodnick, V. V., & Sale, T. (October). Youth/Peer Participation and Leadership in Early Intervention Services & Research: Towards the Future. IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health 11 Conference. Boston, MA.
Spencer, E., Fagan, M. A., & Klodnick, V. V. (October). Tailoring Services for Transition Age Youth with Mental Health Needs. Annual Illinois Transitions Conference. Itasca, IL.
Klodnick, V. V. & Fagan, M. (September). Implementing Developmentally-Attuned Services for Transition-Age Youth with Serious Mental Health Challenges in Illinois. Illinois Association for Rehabilitation Facilities and Illinois Association for Behavioral Health Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Klodnick, V. V. (June). Disruption & Redefinition: Transition-Age Youth Peer Integration. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, 41st Annual Wellness and Recovery Summit. Denver, CO.
Klodnick, V. V., & Fagan, M. A. (June). Getting Engaged: Practical Strategies to Connect with Transition-Age Youth. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, 41st Annual Wellness and Recovery Summit. Denver, CO.
Klodnick, V.V., Cohen, D., Jones, N., & Fagan, M. (March). Examining “Family Involvement” in Early Intervention in Psychosis: Three Unique Intervention and Evaluation Approaches from Texas, Illinois, and Vermont. Symposium at the Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Klodnick, V.V. & Fagan, M. (March) The Dialectics of Transition Age Youth Engagement and Practice: Introducing the Theory of Balance. Paper Presentation at the Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Ellison, M.L., Mullen, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (March). Adapting Supported Employment (IPS) for High School Age Youth: How, What, and What For? Discussion Hour the Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Narendorf, S., Munson, M., Klodnick, V.V. (January). Help Seeking Patterns from Childhood to Young Adulthood in Low-Income Young Adults that Accessed Psychiatric Emergency Care. Society for Social Work & Research Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Delman, J.D., & Klodnick, V.V. (June). Successfully Employing Young Adult Peer Mentors: From Research to Practice: The Employer Toolkit. Annual Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Klodnick, V.V., & Clark, H.B. (March). Development of an Online Fidelity Measurement Tool for the Transition to Independence Process: TIP Solutions Review. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Klodnick, V.V., & Fagan, M.A. (March). Meeting the Developmental Needs of Emerging Adults Diagnosed with Serious Mental Health Challenges: The Emerge Model. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Delman, J., Klodnick, V.V., & Jones, N. (March). A New Vision of Leadership and Involvement: Youth and Young Adult Peer Support. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Cohen, D.A., & Klodnick, V.V. (March). Changing Systems & Practice in Texas to meet the needs of Transition Age Youth with Serious Mental Health Challenges. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Klodnick, V.V., & Cohen, D. (January). Integrating the Individual Placement and Support Model of Supported Employment for transition-age youth in the Texas community mental health system. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Cohen, D., & Klodnick, V.V. (August). Adapting supported employment for youth and young adults. Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) 33rd Annual Conference. Houston, TX.
Narendorf, S., Munson, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (April). Childhood service experiences of young adults accessing crisis psychiatric services. Annual Conference: Society for Research on Adolescence. Baltimore, MD.
Klodnick, V.V., & Fagan, M.A. (March). Aging Out of Semi-Institutional Psychiatric Care: The Necessary Shift from Passive to Active Participation in Social Support Exchanges. Annual Conference: American Association of Children’s Residential Centers. Chicago, IL
Klodnick, V.V. & Fagan, M.A. (March). Managing support in the wake of aging out of care as an emerging adult with a serious mental health condition. Annual Research & Policy Conference: Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.
Ellison, M., Fagan, M.A., & Klodnick, V.V. (June). Adapting the Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Model of Supported Employment for early emerging adults with serious mental health conditions. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference. Baltimore, MA.
Klodnick, V.V. (March). The meaning of home in the context of aging out of foster Care with a serious mental health condition. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. Tampa, FL.
Klodnick, V.V. Sabella, K., Ellison, M., Fagan, M., & Davis, M. (March). Perspectives of early emerging adults with serious mental health conditions on vocational peer mentors. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. Tampa, FL.
Frounfelker, L.R., Klodnick, V.V., Mueser, K., & Todd, S. (November). Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder among transition age youth with serious mental health conditions. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
Klodnick, V.V. & Fagan, M.A. (October). Aging out of the child welfare system with a serious mental health condition in early emerging adulthood. Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood International Conference. Chicago, IL.
Klodnick, V.V. (March). Exploring transition experiences of early emerging adults with serious mental health conditions who are aging out of foster care from transitional living programs. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. Tampa, FL.
Kaiser, S.M., Krzos, I., Vorhies, V., & Fagan, M. (March). Findings & lessons learned from the conceptualization, implementation, and evaluation of developmentally appropriate vocational services for transition age youth with serious mental health conditions. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL.
Vorhies, V., & Fagan, M. (November). Beyond residential: The experiences of emerging adults with serious mental health conditions. Illinois Transitions Conference. Springfield, IL.
Jarry, M., Silver, D., Ostler, T., Riebschleger, J., Vorhies, V., Lappen, B. (July). Supporting mental health consumers as parents: Outcomes of supported parenting pilot projects and assessment tools in the Midwest. National Alliance for Mentally Ill National Convention. Chicago, IL.
Fagan, M., Elias, A., & Vorhies, V. (March). Innovations in residential care for transition age youth with serious mental health conditions. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference. Tampa, FL.
Vorhies, V., Davis, K., & Elias, A. (March). The Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model, social capital, and transition age youth with severe mental illness. Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL.
Elias, A., Lee, J., & Vorhies, V. (April). Dialectal Behavior Therapy: Adaptations for Residential Care. University of Illinois at Chicago’s 6th Update on Residential Care. Chicago, IL.
Elias, A., Lee, J., & Vorhies, V. (July). Adapting Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Transitional Youth with Severe Mental Illness in a Residential Setting. From Cliff to Slope. Youth in Transition Conference. Evanston, IL.
Vorhies, V. (October). Adapting & Evaluating Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Transitional Youth with Severe Mental Illness in a Residential Setting. Peer-reviewed Poster. American Psychiatric Association’s Institute on Psychiatric Services. Chicago, IL.
Vorhies, V. (April). Applying Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Transitional Youth with Severe Mental Illness. Peer-reviewed Poster. Boston University Innovations to Practice Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.
Vorhies, V., Elias, A., Krzyzanowski, A., Fagan, M., & Little, N. (October). Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Transitional Youth with Mental Illness in Residential Care. Thresholds Science, Service, and Recovery Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Fagan, M., & Vorhies, V. Interviewed for National Public Radio, WBEZ, The Tricky Transition To Adulthood, by Jennifer Brandel. http://www.wbez.org/story/tricky-transition-adulthood-93294.