Klodnick, V. V. (June). Young Adult Peer Mentor Supervision Best-Practice, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Center for Behavioral Health Knowledge. (1-day in-person interactive training for 40 licensed master’s level supervisors).
Klodnick, V. V. (Mar). Empathy, Alignment & Empowerment: The Secrets behind Effective Continuous Quality Improvement. California Continuous Quality Improvement Conference. Sacramento, CA. (In-person Keynote Speech; 500 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Mar). Research Panel on Partnering with Individuals with Lived Experience when Conducting Community-based Research. The University of Texas at Austin. (In-person presentation; 40 participants).
LaPelusa, B., & Klodnick, V. V. (Mar). Peer Approaches to Substances in Early Psychosis Programs (PAS-EPP). 1-day virtual training with Peer Support Specialists across 15 CSC sites. EPINET-TX, The University of Texas at Austin.
Klodnick, V. V. (Feb). Key Philosophies & Best Practices in Transition-Age Youth Mental Healthcare. Texas SAMHSA System of Care Technical Assistance Calls. (3 virtual presentations; 60 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Nov). Social Roles & Social Support Engagement among Youth with Serious Mental Health Diagnoses Aging Out of Semi-Institutional Settings. Youth Villages Annual Policy Meeting on Transition-to-Adulthood in Child Welfare. Las Vegas, NV. (In-person 20-minute presentation; 50 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Oct). Empathy, Alignment & Empowerment: The Secrets behind Effective Continuous Quality Improvement. Annual Illinois Continuous Quality Improvement Conference. Champaign, Urbana. (In-person Keynote Speech; 450 participants).
Klodnick, V. V., & Johnson, R. P. (June). Skills for Expanding Expertise in Peer Support (SEEPS) Supervisor Training. National Coordinated Specialty Care Teams, Portland State University. (Two 2-hour virtual training courses with 12 CSC Supervisors).
Klodnick, V. V. (June). Enhancements to Supported Employment & Education for Transition-Age Youth, SAMHSA Policy Academy, Washington, DC. (In-person presentation; 50 participants across 7 states).
LaPelusa, B., & Hermsen, Kritz, M. (May). Skills for Expanding Expertise in Peer Support (SEEPS) Supervisor Training. National Coordinated Specialty Care Teams, Portland State University. (Three 3-hour virtual training courses with 8 CSC Peer Support Specialists).
Klodnick, V. V. (April). Young Adult Peer Mentor Supervision Best-Practice. Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Center for Behavioral Health Knowledge. (1-day in-person interactive training for 25 licensed master’s level supervisors)
LaPelusa, B., & Klodnick, V. V. (Mar). Peer Approaches to Substances in Early Psychosis Programs (PAS-EPP). EPINET-TX, The University of Texas at Austin. (90-minute training with 15 sites with 29 CSC teams (60 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Jan-June). A Training Series to Improve your Effectiveness in Delivering Evidence-based Vocational Services & Boosting Young Person Vocational Outcomes. SAMHSA South-Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Knowledge Center (MHTTC), The University of Texas at Austin. (6-part interactive online training series, 12-person mental health professional cohort).
Klodnick, V. V. (July). The Time for Change is Now: Transforming Youth Mental Health by Integrating Youth Peer Support in Ohio. Ohio Annual Youth Peer Conference (75-minute virtual keynote speech; 100 participants)
Klodnick, V.V., & Several Coordinated Specialty Care Providers. (June). Sharing Successes: Celebrating FEP Transformation in the South-Southwest Region. South Southwest MHTTC First Episode Psychosis Conference. (75-minute panel moderator; 200 online; 200 in-person participants)
Fagan, M. A., & Klodnick, V. V. (March). Discovery-Oriented Services for Young Adult with Mental Health Needs. Transition Planning Committee, A.E.R.O. Special Education Cooperative. (virtual; 30 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Duke, A., & Caruso, N. (Nov). Building & Retaining an Effective CSC Peer Workforce: The Vision, the Reality, & the Solution. Third National Early Psychosis Conference, American Psychiatric Association. (Virtual Delivery due to COVID-19; 590 participants).
Klodnick V. V., Spencer, E., Stevens, L. (June). Improve Your Effectiveness in Engaging & Supporting Young Adults with their Career Goals by Leveraging Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Supported Employment & Education Best-Practices. SAMHSA South-Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Knowledge Center (MHTTC). (1.5 day interactive online training experience; 25 participants)
Klodnick V. V., Spencer, E., Stevens, L. (June). Successfully Integrating Individual Placement & Support (IPS). Supported Employment & Education Best-Practices for Older Youth & Young Adults in your Community Mental Health Center. SAMHSA South-Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Knowledge Center (MHTTC). (Virtual 1-hour webinar; 100 participants; recorded for future training purposes)
Klodnick, V. V., & Johnson, R. P. (June). Introducing the Virtual Best-Practice Guidebook. Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research, The University of Massachusetts (Virtual delivery due to COVID-19; 40 participants)
Fagan, M. A., Klodnick, V. V., & Spencer, E. (Spring/Summer). Successfully Engaging Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Needs in Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Supported Employment & Education. Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Use Services. (3-part virtual training series; 25 participants).
Fagan, M. A., Klodnick, V. V., & Spencer, E. (Winter/Spring). Effective Leadership in Youth Residential Care Settings. The Jewish Board of New York. (10-part virtual training & learning collaborative experience; 20 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Oct). Leveraging Technology & Social Media to build Vocational Identity. Keynote at Wisconsin Annual Individual Placement & Support Supported Employment Conference. (Virtual delivery due to COVID-19; 330 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Oct). Leveraging Mutuality to Build Strong Working Alliances. Workshop at Wisconsin Annual Individual Placement & Support Supported Employment Conference. (Virtual delivery due to COVID-19; 30 participants).
Klodnick, V. V. (Sept). Re-thinking & Boosting Community-Based Multidisciplinary Team Engagement for Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Needs. South-Southwest MHTTC First Episode Psychosis Monthly Mentor Call: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/south-southwest-mhttc/home (Virtual delivery; 30 participants).
Klodnick, V. V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (July). Preparing Young Adult Peer Navigators for Success in Community Mental Health, hosted by UT-Austin & Integral Care. (Virtual delivery; 12 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Bissett, K., Hernandez, E., & Dansforth, J. (Dec 2019 & June 2020). Strengthening the Working Alliance between Young Adult Peer Mentors & their Supervisors, hosted by Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Boston, MA. (In-person; 80 participants)
Fagan, M.A., & Klodnick, V.V. (August). Serious Mental Illness in Emerging Adulthood: Thresholds Multidisciplinary Approach. AON Staff Training (100 young adult staff)
Klodnick, V. V. (Dec). Invited Retreat Facilitator, UT-Austin Center for Youth Mental Health, hosted by Dell Foundation & the University of Texas Medical School, Austin, TX. (In-person delivery; 25 participants)
Klodnick, V. V. (Nov). Re-Conceptualizing & Boosting Community-Based Multidisciplinary Team Engagement for Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Needs. Webinar for UMASS Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research (Virtual delivery; 400 participants)
Fagan, M. A., Klodnick, V. V., & Spencer, E. (September). Enhancing IPS Supported Employment for Youth & Young Adults. Two-day training to multiple programs within Tennessee’s SAMHSA Healthy Transitions, Coordinated Specialty Care, & Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Initiatives. Nashville, TN. (In-person delivery; 25 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (July). Engaging Young People through Enhanced Evidence-Based Practices & Improved Team Communication & Cohesion. Two-day training to transition-age youth serving teams at the Heart of Texas & Integral Care, Austin, TX. (In-person delivery; 20 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (May). Engaging transition-age youth effectively through leveraging evidence-based practices and building effective partnerships. Two-day training to multiple programs within the Jewish Board of New York. New York, New York. (In-person delivery; 25 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (October). Engaging transition-age youth effectively through leveraging evidence-based practices and building effective partnerships. Two-day training to multiple programs within the Jewish Board of New York. New York, New York. (In-person delivery; 25 participants)
Klodnick, V. V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (July). Engaging transition-age youth effectively through leveraging evidence-based practices: Transition to Independence Process, Individual Placement & Support Supported Employment & Education, & Strategic Use of Self. Two-day training to transition-age youth serving teams at the Heart of Texas & Integral Care, Austin, TX. (In-person delivery; 20 participants)
Ellison, M., Mullen, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (June). OMG! What is going on with Young Adults? Providing Psychiatric Rehabilitation to Young Adults. Full Day Preconference Training at the Annual Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Conference. Denver, CO. (In-person delivery; 45 participants)
Klodnick, V. V. (June). Effective Supervision for Young Adult Peer Mentors Part 2. One-day training for Supervisors who had completed previous training. The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research in partnership with Department of Mental Health SAMHSA-funded STAY Project. (In-person delivery; 22 participants)
Klodnick, V. V. (January, March & May). Online Learning Community Facilitator for Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Initiative to train Young Adult Peer Mentor Supervisors. (Virtual delivery; 20 participants)
Klodnick, V.V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (February). Transition-Age Youth Best-Practice: Engagement, Vocational Services & Peer Support. 3-day training to SAMHSA-funded “Bridging the Gap” Peer Advocate Program. Jewish Board of New York. New York, New York.
Klodnick, V.V. (December). Effective Supervision for Young Adult Peer Mentors. The University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research in partnership with Department of Mental Health SAMHSA-funded STAY Project.
Delman, J., & Klodnick, V.V. (October). Effectively Employing Young Adult Peer Providers: A Toolkit. Copeland Center Doors to Wellbeing Program. (499 participants; 256 watched online post-live webinar)
Spencer, E., & Klodnick, V.V. (October). Adapting IPS for Transition-Age Youth.” Illinois IPS Monthly Statewide Technical Assistance Call (35 IPS teams).
Klodnick, V.V., Spencer, E., & Delman, J. (July). Engaging Young Adults Diagnosed with Psychiatric Conditions in Supported Employment Programs. Webinar for GAINS Center Learning Collaborative for SAMHSA IPS Expansion Project.
Fagan, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (June). Slowing Psychosis in its Tracks: Understanding the Coordinated Specialty Care Movement to Change the Lives of Young Adults Experiencing First-Episode Psychosis. Haymarket Summer Institute. Elmhurst, IL.
Klodnick, V.V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (December). Increasing engagement of transition-age youth thru being young-adult informed; leveraging peer support, and integrating supported employment & education. A Webinar sponsored by a Texas System of Care Grant in conjunction with the University of Texas at Austin Center for Mental Health Excellence.
Klodnick, V.V. (September) Doing Real-World Program Evaluation in Coordinated Specialty Care. International Consortium on Hallucination Research & Related Symptoms; Chicago, IL.
Fagan, M., & Klodnick, V.V. (September) Stopping Psychosis in its Tracks: Understanding the National Coordinated Specialty Care Movement. Inaugural Brookstone Conference; Northwestern University; Chicago, IL.
Klodnick, V.V. (February). “Effective Clinical Supervision for Young Adult Therapeutic Peer Mentors.” A two-part Webinar Training Series sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health in conjunction with the Transitions RTC at UMASS Medical School. Accessible at: http://www.umassmed.edu/TransitionsRTC/publication/webinars/
Klodnick, V.V., Fagan, M., & Spencer, E. (2016, January). Increasing Engagement of transition-age youth thru being young-adult informed; leveraging peer support & integrating Supported Employment & Education. A 3-Day Training sponsored by a Texas System of Care Grant in conjunction with the University of Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health.
Malina, C., & Klodnick, V.V. (July) Thresholds Homeless Youth & Young Adult Services. Homeless Action Committee Resource Fair & Informational for Service Providers, Persons with Lived Experience, Community Stakeholders, Healthcare Providers, &Federal/State/City/Local Partners. Madden Mental Health Center, Maywood, IL.
Ellison, M., Bond, G., & Klodnick, V.V. “Adapting IPS for Transition-Age Youth: The Thresholds Study,” Webinar sponsored by the Transitions RTC. Accessible at: http://www.umassmed.edu/TransitionsRTC/publication/webinars/
Viruet J., & Klodnick, V.V. (July) “Engaging Transition Age Youth in Community Mental Health Services, including First Episode Psychosis Coordinated Specialty Care” – Wisconsin Individual Placement & Support Model of Supported Employment Annual Meeting.