Vision: We envision a state where adults, children and families are resilient, healthy, and have access to services and supports that help them meet their goals for lifelong success.
Mission: The Institute draws on the expertise available within the state to strengthen the workforce, enhance our collective knowledge about effective mental health practices, and facilitate the dissemination of research-supported promotion, prevention, and intervention practices.
Key Values
- Consumers, families, and youth should be full partners in Institute work;
- Services and service systems should be person-centered and recovery-oriented (for adults) and family-driven and youth-guided (for children);
- Systems should invest in promotion, prevention and early intervention;
- Services and supports should be community-based and inclusive of both traditional and nontraditional services and recovery supports;
- Services and supports should be strength-based and build on individuals’ capacity for resilience;
- Systems should be culturally and linguistically competent; and
- Systems should be accountable and data-driven.