Nature Electronics: hBN switches for 5G & THz. On TV

A single atomically-thin layer of hexagonal boron nitride shows that thinner is better with regards to radio-frequency switching applications. This work is now published and is based on our earlier discovery of atomristors.

Fruitful collaboration between UT-Austin (lead grad student, Myungsoo Kim) and CNRS in Lille led by Emiliano Pallecchi and Henri Happy.

Title: Analog switches made from boron nitride monolayers for application in 5G and terahertz communication systems. Nature Electronics May 2018. ->PDF.

A blog post in Nature can be read here.

News Media coverage:

Live TV interview on the public importance

Public Radio interview and Texas Standard transcript


IEEE Spectrum News

UT-Austin Press Release

UK Daily Mail


Army Press Release

Federal News Network

Nature News


Redditt Commentary