1st silicene device on cover of Nature Nanotechnology. Covered by Time magazine, NPR, Nature, ACS, IEEE, MIT, UTexas and over 50 news media

The first 2D silicon (silicene) transistor has been reported in nature nanotechnology. This work is enabled by very fruitful collaboration between Akinwande’s group and Molle’s Italian group, and led by research scientist Dr. Li Tao.

Silicene nature nanotechnology article

The Silicene device breakthrough was selected among the Top 100 Science stories by Discover.



News media coverage (selected news outlets out of over 50)

Nature news

Time magazine

National Public Radio (NPR)

ACS News

UT Press Release

UT-Austin Engineering


MIT Tech Report

Royal Society of Chemistry

New Electronics







Prof. Akinwande receives 2015 IEEE award and Avinash Nayak is awarded the 2015 Ben Streetman PhD Prize

Recent Awards in 2015:

-Prof Akinwande is awarded the 2015 IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award.

IEEE award

Prof. Akinwande receiving the IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award from IEEE President Dr. Howard E. Michel at the historic Palazzo Brancaccio in Rome, July 2015.


Recent PhD graduate Avinash Nayak is honored with the UT-Austin Ben Streetman Prize for “Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student in Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices“. Congrats on graduation!


Avinash Nayak receives his award from Prof. Ben Streeman (center)



Flexible 2D Nanoelectronics invited review article published at nature communications

Our invited review article on flexible 2D nanoelectronics (http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6678 ) is now online at nature communications.

The review is timely and marks the 10 year anniversary of the pioneering works on graphene by Manchester and Georgia Tech groups.

The review article is a collaborative authorship with Jim Hone’s group at Columbia University.

Monolayer and Multilayer MoS2 pressure dependent bandgap and phase transition published in nanoletters and nature communications

The pressure dependent properties of monolayer MoS2 was recently published in nanoletters (Dec 2014) showing up to 12% direct gap modulation, the highest experimental bandgap modulation observed so far.

Congratulations to the UT, IISc, Rutgers, and Kaust teams that collaborated intimately on this research.



Previously, we reported the high-pressure/strain studies on bulk MoS2 resulting in the observation of semiconducting to metallic phase transition in nature communications. Congrats to Avinash and our collaborators.


300mm wafer-scale graphene demonstrated

Graphene synthesis has been demonstrated on industry standard 300mm silicon wafers showing more 95% monolayer uniformity. Notably statistical studies reveal that wafer-scale polycrystalline graphene offers similar or superior electrical results than single-crystal cost-expensive synthesized graphene.

The work was done in collaboration with Aixtron the leading graphene equipment manufacturer.

Publication in ACS nano



News coverage




Prof Akinwande chaired two recent 2014 international workshops/events on 2D materials

Prof. Akinwande Chairs two recent international workshops on 2D materials at MRS spring meeting and ARL.

The MRS 2014 spring meeting was focused on roll-to-roll graphene and co-organized and co-chaired by Prof. Rod Ruoff. International speakers from leading institutions and companies presented on the progress on this front. The event was sponsored by NSF, the Nascent ERC center, and Aixtron Inc.

The two-day event at ARL in August 2014 focused on the science and applications of 2D materials beyond graphene and featured researchers from the US, Europe, and South America. The event was sponsored by ARO, ARL and Nascent ERC center.

For more information about these past events, send an email inquiry.

Prof. Akinwande honored with the IEEE Nano “Geim and Novoselov Prize”

Dr. Akinwande wins the inaugural Geim and Novoselov Prize.


UT ECE professor Deji Akinwande has been
awarded the first Geim and Novoselov Graphene Prize during the gala dinner at the IEEE nano conference in Birmingham, UK. The award recognizes Deji’s work on ” flexible multifinger graphene device technology” and in particular his pioneering effort on graphene transistors for high speed high frequency flexible nano electronics. Graphene transistors on flexible substrates could enable future flexible smart systems. The prize is named in honor of the 2010 Nobel laureates for graphene discovery.

Dr. Deji Akinwande is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Professor Akinwande joined UT Austin starting from January 2010, and he is a member of IEEE, APS, ACS, and MRS societies.

(from ECE department news brief)