Today we have a guest post about cataloging and access to natural history collections from Adam Cohen, Dean Hendrickson, and Melissa Casarez of the University of Texas’ Biodiversity Center. Specimens are, in many ways, like books written in languages we are still learning. New technologies like DNA analyses, high-resolution CT… read more
Public Domain for 2020
From the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8: “The Congress shall have Power…to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” [emphasis mine] January 1, 2020 marks the date that items published… read more
Pressbooks webinar on Nov. 21st
If you are a faculty member at a Texas Digital Library-affiliated institution, you are invited to attend a webinar on Pressbooks, an OER textbook platform. The webinar will be geared towards showing faculty how to use Pressbooks to create OER course materials. Sign up for the free webinar Date: Thursday,… read more
Images of Research Competition Open
The 3rd annual Images of Research competition is now open. In a nutshell, UT undergrads engaged in any kind of research, whether it is in a lab, library/archive or the field, can submit images via Instagram. In order to be eligible to win, students need to be enrolled in Spring… read more
Open Access Week 2019
Knowledge unfortunately isn’t free. Much of the research being conducted at universities, colleges, and institutes around the world is written up by professors, graduate students, and research associates and published in toll-access (subscription) journals. Anyone lacking a subscription to that journal will not be able to access the articles published there. This… read more
ORCID Single Sign on Live
I’m pleased to report that we now have single sign on activated for ORCID, That means anyone at UT will be able to use their EID and password to login, rather than having to set up a yet another username and password. Instructions are below. Go to ORCID,,… read more
Open Education Workshop in November
Join us for a discussion on implementing open pedagogical practices in the classroom, enabling student-driven learning opportunities, and using open educational resources in your instruction. We’ll hear from a panel of UT faculty who have adopted open pedagogy in their approach to teaching, get a demo of the open web… read more
Copyright & Digital Culture
Our fall scholarly communication brown bag discussions will kick off with a discussion about copyright and how it intersects with and impacts our online activities. Our speaker for this event is Oren Bracha, the William C. Conner Chair in Law, at the University of Texas School of Law. The inspiration… read more
Research Computing Resources Seminars
In the spring, a team of researchers from the Libraries, the Texas Advanced Computing Center, and Information Technology Services surveyed campus to better understand the research computing environment. As part of that survey, a request for the types of training you wish to see offered on campus was made. The… read more